Tag Archives: Wet Secrets

Top Songs of 2016

Based upon votes by the Mano Amigoes, CKMS Board members and Mano A Mano DJ’s here are CKMS’ Top Rock Releases of 2016.
#1 – Hot Hot Heat – The Kid Who Stays in the Picture
#3 – Holy F – Tom Tom
#4 Radio Head – Burn the Witch
#5 Smash Boom Pow – Listen to Me
#6 BadBadNotGood – Confessions Part II Featuring Colin Stetson
#7 The Pack AD – Fair Enough
#8 The Wet Secrets – Quelle Supreme
#9 Royal Canoe – Somersault
#10 Isomers – All Failures
#10 Pup – If this tour doesnt kill you, I will

Tokyo Requests from NXNE

Now to start things off we were discussing on twitter with the Wet Gay90stweetsSecrets and the Gay Nineties to have them in the Mano A Mano environment for an interview or live to air. It turned out that they were watching Mounties bandmate Hawksley Workman’s play “The God that comes”. So we took a request from the Gay Nineties here is that twitter discussion.

The Gay Nineties requested the Hawksley Workman song “Tokyo Bicycle” which got us thinking on Air. The Mounties have a song “Tokyo Summer” and Hot Hot Heat (which includes Mounties member Steve Bays) has a song “Tokyo Vogue”. So the other official member of the Mounties is Ryan Dahle and he has no “Tokyo” song. BUT, he is releasing a new Limblifter album sometime soon…we tweeted him about his possibility….and it looks promising!

If there is a 14th song on the new Limblifter album you can thank the Mano A Mano show for that! If there isn’t…..we might have another collaboration project for Ryan!

