All posts by Rebel Time Radio

Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016/08/17

RebelTimeRadioWow! Another episode of Rebel Time Radio? Can you believe it? I can’t either, but here it is! Mike and Dan continue their punk rock music playing journey with the tunes that will get you….well punk rocking!

This weeks episode features some new tunes from The Maras and Spectres, not to mention some top notch classics from Knucklehead, Preying Hands, Rudimentary Peni, and Born Against! This episode, even though Dan said they would play new stuff from The Descendents,  DOES NOT contain any new material from The Descendents, Dan’s a liar liar pants on fire. Between songs Mike and Dan also go on about the uselessness of the Olympics and mention that Kings of Leon are not a good band.

So c’mon all ye punkers and download this episode! Turn it up and annoy your neighbours!*

*Rebel Time Radio will not be held liable if you annoy your neighbours and they call bylaw on you.

Download the podcast here – right click and save link as.

  1. Menem – La Policia
  2. Oi Polloi – Boot Down the Door
  3. The Pinkos – Pinkos Theme Song
  4. Knucklehead – Shelters
  5. The Maras – MD
  6. Rudimentary Peni – Cosmetic Plague
  7. SECT – Scream
  8. Preying Hands – Breathe
  9. Vomito – Mirando Al Abismo
  10. The Strike – Kicking Ass
  11. Born Against – Born Against Are Fucking Dead
  12. No Chaser – Eat My Fist
  13. Sound City Hooligans – Is It Enough?
  14. Soiled Doves – Hopeless
  15. Spectres – Vertigo
  16. The Bellicose Minds – The Spine
  17. Moral Hex – Paranoia
  18. Belgrado – 10000 Spektali
  19. The Selecter – Bristol and Miami
  20. Section 4 – Take Down Yer Fuckin’ Posters
  21. Culture Shock – Working Doesn’t Work For Me
  22. D.O.A. – Warmonger
  23. Bus Station Loonies – Temple of Love

13645336_10150723416409963_2810738680620888568_nGo to the CD release show for The Maras at the Starlight! The show is August 27. Details are here.

a4035864122_10And don’t forget to pre-order and listen to a few tracks from Rebels Sing – A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell here

Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016/08/03


Listen to International Non-Super Hits from the likes of Praying Hands, Spanner, Afterboltexbike, Culture Shock and more! It’s a helluva set! Mike and Dan also blabber away on a variety of subjects such as the new Ghostbusters flick and the ever entertaining and/or horrifying election in the United States. How did they even let these guys on the radio? But don’t worry too much, mostly they PLAY AWESOME PUNK ROCK MUSIC FOR YOUR FACE!!!!!! Oh there I go again with the caps…anyway here’s the podcast!

Download the podcast here so you can listen wherever you like! (Right click and save link as!)

  1. Direct Action – International Blacklist
  2. All Or Nothing – Racist, Classist, Anti-Gay Bullshit
  3. Submission Hold – Hawks and Doves and Time
  4. The Effigies – Below The Drop
  5. Nausea – Cybergod
  6. Witch Hunt – Blood Red States
  7. Praying Hands – Prefabricated Passions
  8. Spanner – Border Regime
  9. Afterboltexbike – De Que Lado Estas
  10. Pussy Riot – Putin Has Pissed Himself
  11. Ya Basta! – Trench Town
  12. Plastic War – B.Y.O.D.
  13. Omega Tribe – Is This the Future
  14. Klashinakov Collective – Quando Le Machine Si Fermerano
  15. Culture Shock – Doesn’t Work For Me
  16. D.O.A, – Fucked Up Donald
  17. The Muffs – I Don’t Like You
  18. Brutal Youth – Bring ‘Em In
  19. Royal Red Brigade – Hacksaw
  20. The Rebel Spell – Solemn Eyes
  21. Belgrado – 1000 Spektali

a4035864122_10Pre-order and listen to a few tracks from Rebels Sing – A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell here

Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rebel Time Radio Episode 2016-07-27

RebelTimeRadioOn today’s episode join special guest host Rebel Time Robot as they play some awesome punk rock tunes! Mike and Dan had some technical problems, but Rebel Time Robot was able to pick up their slack (and believe me, there is A LOT of slack to pick up) and deliver a great show. Listen to some tunes from The Strike, Les Trois Huit, Propagandhi, and X-Ray Spex. You’ll also hear Rebel Time Robot deliver a damning critique of policing – it will blow your mind!

This episode features some solid antifascist tunes and a shoutout for the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners. Learn more about that day and antifascism here.

So hit play and rock out to the punk rockingest radio show in town!

Download the podcast here! (right click and save link as yo!)

This episode’s playlist:

  1. Cambridge – Hole in the Ground
  2. La Gachette – Rien N’a Change
  3. Propagandhi – I Am a Rifle (The Rebel Spell)
  4. Kleins96 – Sullied Graves (The Rebel Spell)
  5. The Strike – Hungry Gun
  6. Les Trois Huit – Travailler
  7. The Prowlers – Antifascist Skin
  8. Action Sedition – Prisonniers Politiques
  9. Dead Kennedys – Police Truck
  10. Artificial Dissemination – Politix of Violence
  11. Tilt – Old Skool Pig
  12. King Prawn – Racist Copper
  13. Cockney Rejects – Police Car
  14. The Rebel Spell – 10,000 Years
  15. Bernays Propaganda – Yuppie Dream
  16. Gang of Four – I Found That Essence Rare
  17. X-Ray Spex – Germ Free Adolescents
  18. Police Funeral – 500 Years
  19. Off With Their Heads – Your Child is Dead
  20. The Class Assassins – Hard Times

Don’t forget to check out The Strike and Les Trois Huit in Hamilton on July 29 and Toronto on July 30! It’s gonna rock!!!

tahlthstrike coalitionjuly30c

a4035864122_10Pre-order and listen to a few tracks from Rebels Sing – A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell here

Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016-07-20

RebelTimeRadioQuestion: What can satisfy your craving for awesome punk rock music? Answer:  This week’s episode of Rebel Time Radio! Did my hook work? Doesn’t matter! So turn on the tunes and sit back, or dance, or go for a walk, or a run, or a bike ride, drive a car, ride a bus, do some chores….errr whatever it is you like to do while tuning into the best political punk show this side of the Grand River!

In this week’s episode Mike and Dan compare the American elections to bowls of poop! Which candidate is poopier? Afraid I’m not going to spoil that here – but believe me, they stink . Not Dan and Mike, the candidates I mean. Although Dan could probably use shower once and a while. Seriously. Also, hear some new tracks from Against Me! and Belgrado. To top it off, listen to a couple of tracks from the upcoming album “Rebels Sing: A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell” from The Fallout and Spanner!

So what are you waiting for? Hit play or download the podcast below!

Download the podcast here (right click and save link as!)

  1. Chumbawamba – Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants to Hear
  2. Culture Shock – Mindwash
  3. D.O.A. – Fucked Up Donald
  4. Leftover Crack – Corrupt Vision
  5. The Nasties – Time Is Now
  6. Los Fastidios – We Wanna Be
  7. T.S.O.L. – Fuck You Tough Guy
  8. Bus Station Loonies – Threshers (Fund The Police)
  9. War on Women – Broken Record
  10. Belgrado – Raz Dwa
  11. Spectres – Stasi
  12. Moral Hex- MK Ultra
  13. Iskra – Lebensraum
  14. Against Me! – 333
  15. Spanner – I See Fire (The Rebel Spell)
  16. The Fallout – Fight For The Sun (The Rebel Spell)
  17. Prophets of Rage – Prophets of Rage
  18. The Mob – Rise Up
  19. Reagan Youth – Acid Rain
  20. Kalashnikov – Quando La Machine Si Fermeranno


Pre-order and listen to a few tracks from Rebels Sing – A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell here

Also don’t forget that Les Trois Huit is coming all the way from France to play some shows in Quebec and Ontario. Check em out, solid street punk band for sure.


Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016-07-13

RebelTimeRadioHoly ghost of St. John Paul II Batman, here’s another episode of Rebel Time Radio! Put on your seat belts kids, cuz we’re going to blow your minds with the best political punk rock this side of the galaxy! Exclamation points for everyone!!!!!!!

Along with top notch tunes, Dan and Mike talk about why policing needs to change and why cops should stop shooting black people (SPOILER: because black lives matter, duh). Mike also talks about the new NOFX book. Is it good? Is it not? You’ll have to listen to find out! In between their mumbling, you’ll hear tracks from The Restarts, SNFU, Randy, Brutal Youth, and more.

Download the episode here (right click and save link as, natch)

This episodes playlist:

  1. Whorehouse of Representatives – Fuck Authority
  2. The Rotten – I Say
  3. Hostage Life – Ceci N’est pas une Chanson
  4. Heyoka – Dernier Souffle
  5. Culture Shock – Visibility
  6. Ultra Bide – DNA vs DNA-C
  7. SNFU – Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump
  8. The Restarts – Back to Square One
  9. Star Fucking Hipsters – Two Cups of Tea
  10. Youth Youth Youth – Bluestain
  11. Red Union – Rebel Anthems
  12. Randy – Working Class Radio
  13. NOFX – Linoleum
  14. Brutal Youth – Contrarian
  15. DOA – The Cops Shot a Kid
  16. The Subhumans – Moving Forward
  17. Propagandhi – Showdown
  18. Jello Biafra with NoMeansNo – The Myth Is Real, Let’s Eat

Don’t forget to catch Les Trois Huit on their upcoming Canadian tour. Do it or else you’ll be like “ugh I wish I checked out those Les Trois Huit shows!” If you’re a real keener, download some tunes from Les Trois Huit right here.


Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rebel Time Radio Episode 2016-07-06

RebelTimeRadioIt’s been about forever, but here it is – an official podcast coming at ya from Rebel Time Radio! Exciting! Maybe we’ll make this a regular thing? Ha ha. Haaa.

Rebel Time Radio brings the best punk rock, ska,  and oi right to your earholes over the radiowaves and internet tubes.  We’re unabashedly political and like to have a laugh too (often at the expense of the capitalists and politicains).

On this episode, listen to some new tunes from Les Partisans, Action Sedition,  DOA, and more! Bonus: Listen to Rebel Time Dan mispronounce practically every French thing he says! Embarrassing!

Download the episode here (right click and save link as!)

Here is this episode’s set:

  1. D.O.A. – Fucked Up Donald
  2. The Epoxies – My New World
  3. AFTERBOLTXBIKE – Pavilchenko
  4. Final Four – Us Against Them
  5. Les Partisans – Mauvais Garçon
  6. Les Trois Huit – Jeunesse Fichée
  7. Action Sedition – Sous La Branche
  8. Bull Brigade – Motorcity
  9. The Selecter – Breakdown
  10. Subsistance – Police State
  11. Section 4 – Police is Cops
  12. Moral Crux – Revolution (Shouldn’t Be So Hard)
  13. Future Theft – I Picked the Wrong Day to Stop Sniffing Glue
  14. The Nefidovs – Night Shift
  15. Broadcast Zero – Fear Culture
  16. The Adicts – England
  17. The Rebel Spell – Solemn Eyes
  18. Pogomarto – En tant fils de prolo

Here’s the poster for the upcoming Quebec/Ontario tour of Les Trois Huit:


Pre-order and listen to a few tracks from Rebels Sing – A Tribute to Todd Serious and The Rebel Spell here

Catch Rebel Time Radio every Wednesday at 9PM on 100.3 Sound FM or and whenever we get around to podcasting.

If you want your band’s tunes on the show, shoot an email to

Rude Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016-07-02


Welcome to the second episode of Rude Rebel Time Radio. This time we mix in some old with the new and bring you tunes from Canada, Great Britain, Spain, and Jamaica. These tunes get into all sorts of themes including love, broken hearts, police brutality, and breaking the law. So get yer dancing boots out and get ready to do the rocksteady!

Listen to the show live every Saturday night at midnight, or download the podcast below. Let us know what you think and check out our previous episode for more rude tracks.

On this week’s episode:

  1. The Pioneers – Jackpot
  2. The Pepper Pots – My Little Girl
  3. Los Aggrotones – México
  4. The Aggrolites – Prisoner Song
  5. Jimmy Cliff – One More
  6. Satélite Kingston – Al final
  7. The Baudelaires – Audubon Ballroom
  8. Peter Tosh – Downpressor Man
  9. King Prawn – Racist Copper
  10. The Hempteadys – Judas Priest
  11. The Autonomads – Coppers in the House
  12. Section 4 – Rudy Got the Know
  13. The Offbeaters – Last Time
  14. The Bodysnatchers – Let’s Go Rock Steady
  15. Bluekilla – Horseman Style
  16. Steady Ups – Melany
  17. Los Granadians – No Puedo Vivir Sin Tu Amor

Right click and save this link to download the podcast

If you have any song requests or you’re in a band and like to send us your music, email to get your tunes on the air!

Rude Rebel Time Radio – Episode 2016-06-25

RebelTimeRadioWelcome to the first episode of Rude Rebel Time Radio! Basically we take the no-bull politically-charged-and-angry attitude of Rebel Time Radio and put it to the ska! Expect lots of horns, grooving baselines, upstroke guitars, and offbeat drums for you to pick it up!

We air every Saturday evening at midnight to provide some top notch dancing tunes. You can also download our podcasts directly from the Sound FM website every week.

Check out the first episode below. Let us know what you think in the comments.

On this week’s episode:

  1. Blackstar Dub Collective – Leviathan
  2. Conscious Youth – Prison Abolition (feat. Daman)
  3. Dynamite Express – Sound System Souvenirs
  4. The Piranhas – Tom Hark
  5. Laurel Aitken – Skinhead
  6. Los Fastidios – Reggae Rebels
  7. The Selecter – Big in the Body
  8. Desmond Dekker and the Ages – Israelites
  9. The Maytals – Monkey Man
  10. The Specials – Too Hot
  11. The Skatalites – You’re Wondering Now
  12. The Toasters – One Mind
  13. The Wedgewoods – Wasting My Time
  14. Skainhead – 1969
  15. Skankin’ Pickle – Gates of Steel
  16. Spanner – Autonomous Spaces
  17. Madness – The Prince

Save this link to download the podcast

If you have any song requests or you’re in a band and like to send us your music, email to get your tunes on the air!