Category Archives: MyAudioFace

MyAudioFace gets a surprise visit


Our March 28th show started with a quick poo chat (it was scientific, really, I am not shipping you), some songs from local bands, and an awesome visit from the one and only Rockin’ Rod of  metal’s #1 podcast: “The Pit Radio Show” .

We chat about all manner of things, as we play tunes from Lutharo, Faulty Rivals, Orexin and brand new Crimson Breed.

Download the episode here (right click and save the link!)



Tonight on MyAudioFace

It’s Funding Drive week…what do you think we are doing on MAF tonight (10pm EST)?

Paying tribute to the great local artists performing for us this Saturday March 24th at Descendants Beer in Kitchener!

You will be there Saturday night , ya?
A stop at will get you in.




In Studio With Mr.K Debuts on CKMS

This is the inaugural edition of “In Studio With Mr. K”

The show starts with a debate about whether it actually is the 1st episode… better listen to find out what happens.

Well known radio and music personality Rob McKenna sits down with Mr.K for an hour of conversation.
Tune into to hear them talk about Rob’s involvement with community radio,  his audio comic series, his musical projects and more.


Episode x16 of MyAudioFace: jOvian veiL: Menticide

Author Kurtis Rinas reads excerpts from the first book of the jOvian veiL: Menticide sci-fi series.
The entire EP of the same name is played as well, creating a compelling and very unique listening experience.
Kurtis is joined by Michael Herbert, the other half of jOvian veiL as they discuss the project with Mr. K
Check it out now.


Episode x11 of MyAudioFace- Interview with Nick Maclean Quartet

Continuing our tradition of blending great musicians of all genres into the best metal show on CKMS, we feature an interview with acclaimed pianist and jazz musician Nick Maclean of the NIck Maclean Quartet.

We also play a song from the new Robot Apocalypse album, and much more on a fun, uptempo edition of MyAudioFace.

Episode #x+1 of MyAudioFace- BunFest Recap & More

The September 15th 2017 episode of MyAudioFace features some highlights from our 1st Live-to-Air (BunFest 2017- Sept 10th 2017) as well as music from SIRR and Monarch Woods

Click Play to listen now, right-click and “save as” to download

MyAudioFace airs Wednesdays at 10pm and Fridays at 10am.
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MyAudioFace- Episode #? – Sept 13th 2017

A tribute to a dear friend whose life was abruptly ended on September 11th 2013, and a whole ton of first time plays of local bands on this very cool episode of MyAudioFace.

MyAudioFace is not currently on the CKMS-FM schedule.

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