Welcome to Episode 28 of From the Void – CKMS’ Experimental Music Show
Tonight will feature Mike Patton, Can, Faust, Neu!, The Cosmic Jokers, Annexus Quam, AR and Machines and Agitation Free!
ALSO!!! I released a ANOTHER new album. Everything VOL 1! Spotify, You Tube and Bandcamp or where ever you stream your music!
Melt with me in the Void again this week…
Full episodes to enjoy at your leisure https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1–fLGsdUzW5O_9sK_Bzt9fBvBW-GWKBG?usp=sharing
My Music https://deafbydesign.ca/music
See you in the Void!
A real joy to hear Seeland again after all these years, and you alerted me to a major gap in my CD collection with Agitation Free, who I’d always heard about but never actually heard! Man, so good!
Good to see you in the Void Peri!!! Looking forward to playing some Peri Urban too!