Tag Archives: Alysha Brilla

CKMS Community Connections for 3 June 2024 with Laurel Boytim of The Ripple Effect Education

Show Notes

A blonde woman wearing a light blue sweater and headphones sits in front of a microphone with a label "CKMS 102.7 FM Radio Waterloo".
Laurel Boytim

Laura Boytim, Executive Director of The Ripple Effect Education talks to Bob Jonkman about the origins of TREE, what services it provides and what programs it offers, the Peace Innovator Scholarship & Mentorship Program, the effects of Covid 19, and the staff, volunteers, and its Board of Directors.

The interview starts at 0m37s.



Download: ckms-community-connections-2024-06-03-episode161-Laurel-Boytim-of-The-Ripple-Effect-Education.mp3 (48 MB, 51m59s, episode 161)


Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m37s The Ripple Effect Education has a wonderful acronym, TREE, which is all about conflict resolution, peace building, and social justice education for all ages: Adults, youth, and children. TREE started in 2016, and sprung out of a Peace Camp organized by Katie Gingerich at Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo. Laurel explains some of the different aspects of the course, and how it varies with different age groups, and how TREE got into the schools systems to teach there. The adult education component is fairly new, and expanding.
7m38s Educators at TREE have varied backgrounds in social justice and conflict resolution. Many facilitators are in university or have just graduated; they teach the kindergarten through grade eight classrooms. There are facilitators with backgrounds in psychology, knowledge integration, peace and conflict studies, social justice, gender studies, and more.
8m53s Corporations that want workplace workshops can e-mail, Laurel will set up a consultation meeting to determine what their needs are, and customize and create a program to suit.
10m05s The Heart Holds On (photo of a woman wearing a striped sweater and holding a scarf around her neck; she has rings on her fingers. Her head is cropped out of the photo)
Taylor Davison
12m58s Talking about the origin of the name The Ripple Effect Education. Talking about the “Training for Trainers” program, for people who want to teach the kindergarten to grade eight education in their own students. This is spreading out to Europe and across the world. Is there a danger of putting yourself out of work? Laurel wants to be able to put herself out of a job, but that’s unlikely to happen soon. There is also the Peace Innovator Scholarship & Mentorship Program partnered with the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement and the University of Waterloo, for students going into grade 11 or 12. Application had closed the previous Friday, but was kept open for an extra week for listeners of Radio Waterloo! It starts off with a two-day retreat, goes throughout the school year, and ends with a final showcase in April. This is extra-curricular, totally separate from the regular high school program. Candidates will go through an interview process, then the retreat takes place in July.
21m48s Bigger Than That Human | Alysha Brilla (illustration of Alysha Brilla, all on a patterned teal background. Alysha's skin is blended with the teal background)
Alysha Brilla
26m05s Talking about Covid. TREE moved some things online, and now can provide online education as a regular service. But Covid has increased the struggles in schools; students are behind socially. There’s a need for more mental- and self-care; Laurel explains the systemic nature of the things people are dealing with. Talking about the Region of Waterloo Combatting Hate Action Table. Doing this locally and globally. Education is only one of the parts to bringing about social justice and human rights.
33m39s Setting up the organization, overcoming administrative hurdles. TREE is a charitable organization concentrating on education. There’s not much political activity, it’s providing conflict resolution and peace building to everyone. Talking about sources of grants and funding. Looking to people who share their values. Talking about the fundraising gala held earlier in the year. People can donate through the website using Canada Helps.
37m45s In My Bones In My Bones, JP Sunga (B&W photo of a man's head in profile, with skull bones and teeth tattooed on his face)
JP Sunga
41m45s More about funding, growing the programs that have been developed. TREE has three staff, and many volunteer facilitators and students. There is a Board of Directors, which has some vacancies. If you’re interested in serving on the Board send an e-mail to hello@therippleeffecteducation.ca, as well as for any other volunteer opportunities.
45m51s Some former students are still in touch, some have become facilitators, and even some younger siblings have come out. And many of the corporate clients have come back for additional workshops.
48m00s What happens to people who aren’t selected for the Mentorship program? There aren’t many people who aren’t accepted, perhaps they’re encouraged to come back later. Is there overlap with other Waterloo Region organizations? Not really, TREE is in a niche, but willing to collaborate with other organizations. The TREE office is located in the Centre for Peace Advancement, and there’s a lot of collaboration with other organizations there.
50m55s Bob thanks Laurel, and gives the end credits.

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs alternate Fridays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at ccc@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Bonus Video

Video: CKMS Community Connections for Monday 3 June 2024 (Radio Waterloo Video)

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2024 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders. The theme music is written and performed by Steven Todd.

CKMS Community Connections for 29 May 2023 with Fabian Fletcher of tri-Pride

Show Notes

Fabian Fletcher (a man wearing headphones and a white Aloha shirt sits at a microphone)
Fabian Fletcher

Fabian Fletcher, president of the board at tri-Pride Community Association Inc. comes into the studio to talk about the tri-Pride organization, the tri-Pride Summer Festival, the performers, the history of Pride, some other 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations including Spectrum, and ideas for future activities and events.

The interview starts at 2m45s.

tri-Pride | Cambridge - Kitchener - Waterloo (black lettering over a triangular swath of the Rainbow Pride flag, textured as a chalk drawing)
tri-Pride Community Association

Fabian Fletcher:

Grand River Pride (rainbow coloured letters in a rainbow coloured circle)
Grand River Pride:

Upcoming Events

TRI-PRIDE SUMMER FESTIVAL | Trinity K. Bonet | Alysha Brilla | Ongina | June 10 | 12-8pm | Willow River Park (OKA Victoria Park), Kitchener (small pictures of performers  above the lettering, larger pictures of headline performers between the top lettering and bottom lettering, all over a Pride Rainbow appearing to sweep from the right to the left)


Download: ckms-community-connections-2023-05-29-episode128-Fabian-Fletcher-of-tri-Pride.mp3 (50MB, 54m34s, episode 128)


Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
1m00s Dredd (a purple circular object, possibly a surveillance camera)
Stunt Double
2m45s Introducing Fabian Fletcher, the President of the Board of Directors of tri-Pride, an all-volunteer organization. In addition to the summer festival there’s Winter Pride, in February or March, and PRIDEtoberfest during the Octoberfest weekend. The Board works on organizing the events, but also works on policies and procedures, governance issues, and work more on advocacy and doing grass-roots community organization. The Board is eight or nine folx, a Vice-President and other Board directors who take on roles like vendors market, sponsorships, a treasurer, a development director: a small but mighty group. But there are twenty-plus volunteers who do the work of setting-up and tear-down, oversee the vendors market, volunteers to manage the stage area. There are enough volunteers for the summer festival, but people can sign up now for the fall and winter events. To volunteer, contact info@tri-pride.ca or look for the volunteer call-out on social media.
6m45s Planning for the summer event started in January; lots of paperwork. The summer festival this year is taking place at Willow River Park, officially known as Victoria Park. The vendor market filled up really early this year, but there are still people looking for spots. This is the second year back after a Covid absence. Last year was really well attended, hoping to increase that for this year.
9m54s Aside from the vendor booths, there will be performances from Noon to 4pm, local live performers, music, spoken word, standup. From 4pm to 8pm there will be the drag performances. Alysha Brilla is the musical headliner, and the headline drag performers are Ongina and Trinity K. Bonet, both from Ru Paul’s Drag Race. tri-Pride has a sign-up sheet for local performers, but the headline acts were cold-called. There’s a great drag scene in Waterloo Region.
12m27s tri-Pride has been operating since 2002, doing summer festivals and other events. The City of Kitchener has an events team that coordinates with tri-Pride to arrange all the applications and paperwork. tri-Pride is very privileged to have the Board members it does to fill out paperwork and applying for licenses. Fabian wishes were ways to make the process more accessible to smaller organizations and community-based folks to have space in the park to have events. The requirements for audited financial statements are out of reach of organizations on shoe-string budgets that have no finances.
16m12s Postlude (I Love The Way It Flows) This Garden | Andrew Jacob Rinehart / Eli Sokoloff Haris (very faint lettering on top and below, with an image of a living room with a harp, music box, radiator, chair)
This Garden
Andrew Jacob Rinehart
19m27s The tri-Pride festival this year is on Saturday, 10 June 2023 in Willow River Park, from Noon to 8pm. “tri”-Pride covers all three cities, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge, although they have not been out in Cambridge as much as they want to. But Grand River Pride has just started up in Cambridge, having their summer festival also on Saturday, 10 June 2023!
20m58s Covering some of the history of the Pride movement, starting with the Stonewall Riots in 1969. Are things getting worse today? Not necessarily, intolerance has always been there, but people today are less hesitant about sharing their hate. Life has become more difficult for Queer folx, actions v transferring over from the United States. Fabian knows of incidents across Canada, not so much in Waterloo Region, although there is the example in Oxford county with the municipality of Norwich refusing to fly the Pride flag.
25m26s What actions can tri-Pride and other organizations take? It’s tricky, because the organizations need to ensure the safety their membership. Non-Queer folks can show up for the Queer community at events, protests, and rallies, get involved with local organizations, and lobby their elected officials. tri-Pride joined #Act4QueerSafety, and signed a letter addressed to government officials at both provincial and federal levels to say “Enough is enough, you need to act for Queer safety.” But while getting involved, there will be spaces strictly reserved for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. For example, tri-Pride is trying to create safe spaces geared toward BIPOC Queer folk, IndigiQueer youth, Two-Spirit youth, and those intersecting personalities. But non-Queer folk should show up for the larger festivals and use their voice and use their privilege to advocate for their 2SLGBTQIA+ community members.
28m57s What actions are taking place? There is Cait Glasson’s petition to extend to transgender and nonbinary people the right to claim asylum in Canada. There is also a petition to both federal and provincial representatives at Momentum Canada #Act4QueerSafety.
29m55s Talking about tri-Pride‘s online presence; keeping it up-to-date is tough with volunteers. The main website needs to be updated, there’s a new volunteeer to do that.
31m42s She She | Courtney Wolfe (closeup photo of a pink flower)
Courtney Wolfe
34m51s Talking about other Pride organizations across Canada. There’s a Canada-wide organization, and a world-wide organization called InterPride. Joining such a federation gives tri-Pride a chance to hear from other organizations what’s working for them, to support each other, and to brainstorm ideas for festivals. There’s no Canada-wide Pride festival, although Captital Pride in Ottawa has what is deemed the nation-wide Pride festival, and InterPride has a festival as well.
37m43s Pride festivals aren’t so much a protest any more, but a celebration. Fabian says it’s building communities. Talking about other events, like PRIDEtoberfest, a dance / drag performance / other performance. It’s an indoor event, unlike the summer festival. Winter Pride is a bit smaller, a dance with one or two drag performers. Fabian would like to have more social, low-key events like coffee nights, or speed friending.
39m50s Talking about other Pride organizations, like Spectrum, in the same building as the CKMS-FM studio. Fabian is a staff member at Spectrum, overseeing their volunteers and operations. But tri-Pride is careful not to step on anyone’s toes, looking to support and uplift other organizations. Talking about some of Spectrum‘s programs, Fabian mentions “capacity building”, to be more accepting and creating safer space for Queer folks. tri-Pride focuses on the events, and focus on creating spaces. They’re looking at ways to do smaller events throughout the year that are tailored to different parts of their community.
43m35s Gender Rollz Human | Alysha Brilla (illustration of Alysha Brilla, all on a patterned teal background. Alysha's skin is blended with the teal background)
Alysha Brilla
48m47s Fabian tells us how Alysha Brilla came to be the headliner for this year’s festival. This year’s lineup was chosen to highlight diversity to represent what our community actually looks like.
50m45s Bob and Fabian go over the details of the coming tri-Pride festival: Noon to 8pm on Saturday 10 June 2023 in Willow River Park, followed by a dance starting at 9pm hosted by Queer Night Out.
52m35s Bob thanks Fabian for being on the show, and gives the end credits.

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs alternate Fridays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at ccc@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Bonus Video

YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for Monday 29 May 2023

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2023 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

CKMS Community Connections for 12 September 2022: The SOCAN Show

Show Notes

(an assortment of coins, Australian dollars of various denominations, dirty. Difficult to tell if this is a black&white image, or just monochromatic, boring coins)
filthy lucre

Nothing but music this week, so no podcast, no bonus footage, no image gallery. Just music. Two hours worth! And it’s our SOCAN ratings week, which means that any musicians played today will receive oodles of royalties (for extremely low values of “oodles”). To maximize this economic windfall for Waterloo Region, most of the music is KWCon.




Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m44s Neon Soul Here Between | Eric Bolton (photos in primary colour stripes)
Here Between
Eric Bolton
4m10s Infinite Everything Missy Bauman (illustration of a woman holding a bunny while hiding behind ferns)
Missy Bauman
7m32s Ghost shows a person sitting at a campfire surrounded by rabbits and other wildlife
Don’t Fear the Dark
10m17s Sleep a Little Better (closeup of light purple snowdrop flowers)
Courtney Wolfe
12m44s El Mundo
Fuego Fatal /
God Wants Me to Be Sexy
Cindy Gomez
16m02s Again and Again
19m58s Echo (Black and White photo of Alysha Brilla singing into a microphone and holding a guitar)
Alysha Brilla
22m33s California May 9 2 (Katy Topham playing guitar)
Katy Topham
26m09s Wake Up Call Wake Up Call | Clarissa Diokno (Clarissa sitting on the floor in front of a couch with a telephone on it)
Wake p Call
Clarissa Diokno
29m30s Awake Asleep Impossible World | Wilfred N & the Grown Men (B&W photo of a dog with long fur laying on the ground)
Impossible World
Wilfred N & the Grown Men
32m55s Calling You Home Speed Of Life | Sammy Duke (stylized illustration of a pale pink moon over orange mountains with a dark red river running through them)
Speed Of Life
Sammy Duke
36m44s Just Breathe
41m10s She’s Tough Pete Temple & The Cornerstones | Live At The Boat House (white and red letters over a background photo of The Boathouse looking over Victoria Park lake)
Live at the Boathouse
Pete Temple & The Cornerstones
45m49s Boathouse (Roadhouse) Blues
49m48s Corner of Lincoln Corner of Lincoln | Lethal Pandemic & Hypnotic Mirage (B&W photo of shattered glass or ice, with a glass or ice flower in the centre)
Lethal Pandemic & Hypnotic Mirage
53m30s Street Hop JOGA  Standard Moves LP (Illustration of a disk with white ettering for JOGA and black lettering for Standard Moves)
Standard Moves
57m13s Coldest Nights (Man wearing a winter jacket with his back to the camera facing a playground swing set)
Kylof Söze
59m23s On My Own JI (white lowercase outline letters on a black background with an octave of piano keys below)
Creative Recording Initiative 2022
Fredlyne Kayee & Demaya Green
1h01m49s (and i will) grow a garden This Garden | Andrew Jacob Rinehart / Eli Sokoloff Haris (very faint lettering on top and below,  with an image of a living room with a harp, music box, radiator, chair)
This Garden
Andrew Jacob Rinehart
1h05m07s Cherry Blossoms
1h08m30s Sterling Is…Reprise (a burst of orange and green colour, mirrored vertically)
Broken Songs by a Broken Man
Deaf By Design
1h11m44s Happy Song Good To See You | Henry Taylor (B&W photo of Henry Taylor wearing a winter coat and hat in a forest)
Good To See You
Henry Taylor
1h15m09s Leave It Alone
1h19m09s Revolution Electric Gas (illustration of a wall plate with an electrical outlet and a gas flame on a yellow background)
Electric Gas
Electric Gas
1h24m00s Lost Electric Gas | The Scars Stay (illustration of a wall plate with an electrical outlet and a gas flame on a blue background)
The Scars Stay
1h27m37s Pretty Baby Truth or Deceiver | HotKid (collage of cutout sections of photos of a woman's face)
Truth or Deceiver
1h31m50s Warrior
1h34m27s I’m Not Over You Yet I'm Not Over You Yet | Steve Todd and Stewart McKie (photo of a girl's legs walking in the sand of a beach)
Steve Todd and Stewart McKie
1h39m29s There You Were (Steve Todd playing acoustic guitar in a field)
Bonita Vanderpas and Steve Todd
1h44m58s I Am Only The Moon Lynn Jackson (illustration of a moon on a red background with purple horizontal stripes representing clouds)
I Am Only The Moon
Lynn Jackson
1h49m16s Love My Hood Theme Song Songs of Kitchener (illustration of a woman watching children in a playground with a music staff floating around her)
Songs of Kitchener
Mary Abdel-Malek Neil
1h51m59s The Hohner Ave Porch Party Song
1h53m59s Aeronautic Ponysapien (clouds over water, coloured with a spectrum of colours)
1h56m49s End of show credits, then
Brazilian Opportunities

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2022 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

filthy lucre is copyright © 2003 by monkeyc.net and is used under a CC BY-NC-SACreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike license.

CKMS Community Connections for 28 June 2021 — A #CanCon Episode

Show Notes

This is the week in which we used to celebrate Canada Day. That’s not happening, but there’s no reason to not celebrate incredible Canadian musicians. Stay tuned over the summer for interviews with some of these musicians, and when the studio re-opens we may have some Live, On-Air, In-Studio performances!

Music Index

Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections
Introduction by Bob Jonkman
CKMS Sunflower logo
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m49s Confusion Confusion | Clarissa Diokno  (photo of Clarissa Diokno head with her hair blowing in the air)
Clarissa Diokno
3m51s Won’t Take My Embrace Hypnotic Mirage | Won't Take My Embrace (ping and orange patterns as a background, with a prominent circle around the words)
Hypnotic Mirage
7m56s Gone With The Wind Gone With The Wind | Eryn Young (text on a background of blue and pink clouds)
Eryn Young
12m20s New Moon New Moon | Courtney Wolfe (illustration of a traffic mirror in a cityscape)
New Moon EP
Courtney Wolfe
13m46 Make Me Forget
16m30s Spiderman (headshot of Andy Klaehn playing saxophone)
Keith Murch and Andy Klaehn
20m43 Flip, Flop, and Fly John Lee and some members of the band on stage John Lee & The Hookers
24m40s Shoreline Athanase | Shoreline (a light blue triangle with  hands of a clock in waves on a dark blue background)
Immortal EP
29m06s Walking Away featuring CJ Cooper and Stacey Lee Guse Stewart McKie
Stewart McKie
33m27s Cowboy Chelsey Danfield | Cowboy (portrait of Chelsey Danfield surrounded by flowers)Cowboy Chelsey Danfield
36m34s A Lazy Day In June A Lazy Day In June (a bird files over pink clouds)(single) Taylor Davison
40m43s No More Violence Portrait of Alysha Brilla
Alysha Brilla
44m50s Sojourner (Image of JoJo Worthington split horizontally with vertical pencilled lines connecting the halves)
JoJo Worthington
47m42s Disaffected Scrolling Through Portrait of Incendiary Sweet (Victoria Feige) in a brick corner partialy in shadow)
Incendiary Sweet
50m28s Against All Odds Phöenix Lazare | Against All Odds (Phöenix Lazare sitting in a field at the edge of the woods)
Phöenix Lazare
53m44s House of the Rising Sun Moon & Mercury | Madison Galloway (Op Art illustration of mushrooms and other things)
Moon and Mercury
Madison Galloway
58m00s Bob Jonkman gives the extro credits, and Coal Mine plays out the hour. I, The Mountain | Coal Mine (an island with trees under a setting sun)
I, The Mountain

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

CKMS Community Connections for 8 March 2021 – International Women’s Day

Show Notes

It’s International Women’s Day, so today we’re celebrating by featuring music by the women of Waterloo Region. Sadly, there’s only an hour of CCC so we couldn’t possibly squeeze in all the wonderful musicians in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and the townships. If you’ve got some music you’d like aired on Radio Waterloo then send an e-mail at office@radiowaterloo.ca and we’ll be happy to add it to our Digital Music Library. Full information is at How To Submit Music.


Download: ckms-community-connections-2021-03-08-episode080.mp3 (58.7 MB, 1h01m10s, episode 080)

Podcast Index

Time Title Artist Album
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc Steve Todd
CKMS Community Connections
0m40s Your Enemy Allison Brown Allison Brown | Stitches and Incisions (illustration of a woman sitting on grass with a guitar)
Stitches and Incisions
5m31s Standing By The Bedside Of A Neighbour
9m28s Die Alone Chelsey Danfield Chelsey Danfield | Cowboy (portrait of Chelsey Danfield surrounded by flowers)
12m27s Bell Bottom Jeans Chelsey Danfield (portrait of Chelsey Danfield in front of a glittery curtain)
At The Time
16m14s Softly Heather Janssen (image of Heather Janssen)
18m46s Softly Kiana Smith Shadowy images of Kiana
22m04s Dark Cloud Taylor Davison Dark Cloud (small image of moon surrounded by clouds)
25m21s Let You Go Let You Go (orange, purple, and blue striipes of paint with an orange dot)
29m08s Water Alysha Brilla Rooted (two hands decorated with henna holding a rose)
32m46s When You Wore A Tulip Janice Jo Lee Sing Hey | Janice Jo Lee (photo of Janice Jo Lee sitting on the floor)
Sing Hey
34m37s All The Time You Were Silent
39m55s I Remember Tamara Maddalen Tamara Madddalen | Mint Green Mercury (vintage photo of a mint green mercury automobile)
Mint Green Mercury
43m13s To The Trees To The Trees ToTheTreesEP (album cover)
To The Trees
46m03s All Your Black Colours Lara MacMillan Lara MacMillan (portrait of Lara MacMillan)
Lara MacMillan
48m52s Fourteen Days Elsa Jayne Elsa Jayne | Heart (portrait of Elsa Jayne wearing a hat)
52m32s Courage Courage My Love (superimposed photos of the heads of the band members, using kirby dots)
Courage My Love
56m00s COMPANY JoJo Worthington (JoJo Worthingon amonst leaves wrapped in ribbon)

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sides
Subscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community Connections
See all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BY
Creative Commons Attribution Only
license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.