Tag Archives: classical training

Carlie Roberts & Charlena Russell

carlie & charlena








Carlie Roberts is a curvy movement maker, leading women to a stylish place of self love and fashion confidence one consignment at a time. She founded Consign Your Curves , Canada’s largest size inclusive consignment sale in 2013. After nearly adding to the closets of over 2000 women, Carlie then turned her treading hashtag into a headquarters when in 2018 she opened Consign Your Curves in Guelph, ON

A musician, songwriter, artist and music teacher. She has been the owner and founder of Russell Music Teaching Studios in Waterloo for the last 8 years and has been teaching for 18 years. A powerhouse vocalist and an adept multi-instrumentalist, who uses her classical training to create fiery, eclectic, soulful jazzy-electronica as well as acoustic songs, Charlena Russell

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