Tag Archives: Davor Cvijic

Davor Cvijic & Dave Tidd – In Conversation with Rashmi













In Conversation with Rashmi, brings you early Father’s Day special with stories of two proud and strong dad’s who will share the paths that transformed them into who they are today. Tune in Saturday, June 1st, 9AM (EST) on @ckms102.7fm
With a wife who was 5 months pregnant and an almost two-year-old, life was incredibly busy in the Tidd household, they didn’t have time for a brain tumour, however it quickly consumed their lives. From having told he could be home within 3 days and back to work in a few weeks, to spending 6 weeks in hospital before he was able to go home. Followed by months of rehab and radiation therapy to treat the remainder of the tumour and then heading back to work after 7 months, Dave Tidd will share his toughest journey, the challenges and the warning signs that he didn’t really pay attention.
Today almost 5 years later, he still faces challenges with day to day activities that we all take for granted

Imagine having the freedom to move without restriction
Imagine having the confidence to move without hesitation or injury
Imagine having a strong and mobile body with ‘bulletproof’ joints
Imagine being able to MOVE STRONG

A single and proud dad to a 14 year old daughter who he says is an absolutely incredible human being to begin committed to helping build better humans through nutrition, strength and movement. Davor Cvijic believes we have created environments for ourselves that while comfortable, have in many ways cost us our mobility. One of the main areas of focus in the Move Strong method is to create mobile bodies that allow you the freedom to move in the way humans were designed to move

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