Tag Archives: Stewart McKie

CKMS Community Connections for 12 September 2022: The SOCAN Show

Show Notes

(an assortment of coins, Australian dollars of various denominations, dirty. Difficult to tell if this is a black&white image, or just monochromatic, boring coins)
filthy lucre

Nothing but music this week, so no podcast, no bonus footage, no image gallery. Just music. Two hours worth! And it’s our SOCAN ratings week, which means that any musicians played today will receive oodles of royalties (for extremely low values of “oodles”). To maximize this economic windfall for Waterloo Region, most of the music is KWCon.




Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m44s Neon Soul Here Between | Eric Bolton (photos in primary colour stripes)
Here Between
Eric Bolton
4m10s Infinite Everything Missy Bauman (illustration of a woman holding a bunny while hiding behind ferns)
Missy Bauman
7m32s Ghost shows a person sitting at a campfire surrounded by rabbits and other wildlife
Don’t Fear the Dark
10m17s Sleep a Little Better (closeup of light purple snowdrop flowers)
Courtney Wolfe
12m44s El Mundo
Fuego Fatal /
God Wants Me to Be Sexy
Cindy Gomez
16m02s Again and Again
19m58s Echo (Black and White photo of Alysha Brilla singing into a microphone and holding a guitar)
Alysha Brilla
22m33s California May 9 2 (Katy Topham playing guitar)
Katy Topham
26m09s Wake Up Call Wake Up Call | Clarissa Diokno (Clarissa sitting on the floor in front of a couch with a telephone on it)
Wake p Call
Clarissa Diokno
29m30s Awake Asleep Impossible World | Wilfred N & the Grown Men (B&W photo of a dog with long fur laying on the ground)
Impossible World
Wilfred N & the Grown Men
32m55s Calling You Home Speed Of Life | Sammy Duke (stylized illustration of a pale pink moon over orange mountains with a dark red river running through them)
Speed Of Life
Sammy Duke
36m44s Just Breathe
41m10s She’s Tough Pete Temple & The Cornerstones | Live At The Boat House (white and red letters over a background photo of The Boathouse looking over Victoria Park lake)
Live at the Boathouse
Pete Temple & The Cornerstones
45m49s Boathouse (Roadhouse) Blues
49m48s Corner of Lincoln Corner of Lincoln | Lethal Pandemic & Hypnotic Mirage (B&W photo of shattered glass or ice, with a glass or ice flower in the centre)
Lethal Pandemic & Hypnotic Mirage
53m30s Street Hop JOGA  Standard Moves LP (Illustration of a disk with white ettering for JOGA and black lettering for Standard Moves)
Standard Moves
57m13s Coldest Nights (Man wearing a winter jacket with his back to the camera facing a playground swing set)
Kylof Söze
59m23s On My Own JI (white lowercase outline letters on a black background with an octave of piano keys below)
Creative Recording Initiative 2022
Fredlyne Kayee & Demaya Green
1h01m49s (and i will) grow a garden This Garden | Andrew Jacob Rinehart / Eli Sokoloff Haris (very faint lettering on top and below,  with an image of a living room with a harp, music box, radiator, chair)
This Garden
Andrew Jacob Rinehart
1h05m07s Cherry Blossoms
1h08m30s Sterling Is…Reprise (a burst of orange and green colour, mirrored vertically)
Broken Songs by a Broken Man
Deaf By Design
1h11m44s Happy Song Good To See You | Henry Taylor (B&W photo of Henry Taylor wearing a winter coat and hat in a forest)
Good To See You
Henry Taylor
1h15m09s Leave It Alone
1h19m09s Revolution Electric Gas (illustration of a wall plate with an electrical outlet and a gas flame on a yellow background)
Electric Gas
Electric Gas
1h24m00s Lost Electric Gas | The Scars Stay (illustration of a wall plate with an electrical outlet and a gas flame on a blue background)
The Scars Stay
1h27m37s Pretty Baby Truth or Deceiver | HotKid (collage of cutout sections of photos of a woman's face)
Truth or Deceiver
1h31m50s Warrior
1h34m27s I’m Not Over You Yet I'm Not Over You Yet | Steve Todd and Stewart McKie (photo of a girl's legs walking in the sand of a beach)
Steve Todd and Stewart McKie
1h39m29s There You Were (Steve Todd playing acoustic guitar in a field)
Bonita Vanderpas and Steve Todd
1h44m58s I Am Only The Moon Lynn Jackson (illustration of a moon on a red background with purple horizontal stripes representing clouds)
I Am Only The Moon
Lynn Jackson
1h49m16s Love My Hood Theme Song Songs of Kitchener (illustration of a woman watching children in a playground with a music staff floating around her)
Songs of Kitchener
Mary Abdel-Malek Neil
1h51m59s The Hohner Ave Porch Party Song
1h53m59s Aeronautic Ponysapien (clouds over water, coloured with a spectrum of colours)
1h56m49s End of show credits, then
Brazilian Opportunities

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2022 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

filthy lucre is copyright © 2003 by monkeyc.net and is used under a CC BY-NC-SACreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike license.

CKMS Community Connections for 20 September 2021 with Mo Markham of Vegfest

Show Notes

Mo Markham headshot, in front of pink curtains
Mo Markham of KW Vegfest
Mo Markham joins me, Bob Jonkman, on a web conference to talk about the upcoming KW Vegfest 2021, and tells us about the speakers and vendors who will be at this year’s Vegfest. We talk about veganism, the need for a plant-based diet, and the “Ag Gag” laws that try to suppress publication of the problems with industrial agriculture. The speaker presentations are being recorded, so we’ll have Mo back in a few weeks to as we put some on the air.

I promised to play a bunch of new CanCon and KWCon music today, but there was so much Vegfest to talk about we didn’t get to it. We’ll definitely have a full music episode next week, and I’ll invite the musicians to come into the studio (when it re-opens) for a Live, On-Air, In-Studio performance!

The interview starts at 6m30s.


Upcoming Events

Kitchener Waterloo VegFest (illustration of carrots between Kitchener and Waterloo)

KW Vegfest 2021


Download: ckms-community-connections-2021-09-20-episode085.mp3 (82.9 MB, 57m32s, episode 085)

Podcast Index

Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m52s Scuppernong and Fooferaw The Raoul Santodomingo Experience (nightscape of a carnival with fireworks, surrounded by the text in a circle around it)
The Raoul Santodomingo Experience
The Raoul Santodomingo Experience
6m16s Mo Markham tells us about this year’s KW Vegfest, being held in-person at the Kitchener Market. She gives a little history, and then goes over the Covid protocols in place, done by the Kitchener Market staff. There’s no online component, but presentations will be recorded and we’ll air excerpts on a future CCC. Mo tells us about the KW Vegfest programme, and tells us about some of the musical guests. There’s more stuff happening outside, and Mo goes over the list of vendors. We talk about transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, there are Vegan Societies to help people with this, for example the KW Vegan Society and the Cambridge, Ontario Vegan Society. KW Vegfest is put on by KW Animal Save.

Veganism is one of the ways to address climate change — animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Plant Based Treaty was recently set up to bring attention to this, and some municipal councillors are already on board.

Mo’s cat Joanie introduces herself, and we talk about plant-based cat food. Cats are obligate carnivores, they’re required to eat meat. But the only nutrient needed by cats missing in plants is taurine, so adding a taurine supplement makes plant-based cat food completely nutritious for cats.

We talk about “vegan” as an ethical choice, separate from eating a plant-based diet. Veganism includes not using any animal based clothing, not going to the zoo, not riding a horse, not using animals in any way. It’s not only animal welfare that drives people to veganism, but also climate change. Mo tells us of her experiences in seeing the effects of climate change herself.

32m42s Talkers Sam & The Terrible News | Face A (flower floating on water)
Face A
Sam & The Terrible News
35m24s Talking about “Ag Gag Laws”, to suppress information about the conditions for animals in industrial agriculture. Mo gives details about some of these “acceptable” practices. Content Warning: Mo gives some explicit descriptions of animal abuse. Talking about the specifics of the law, how it doesn’t do what it claims to do. There have been no incidents of disease brought in my activists. But it’s foreign and low-paid workers who are most at risk of the zoonotic diseases spread by poor working conditions in these places. Strong agricultural industry lobbying keeps this law on the books.
54m34s Hardest Part (vocals by CJ Cooper)
and Bob gives the closing credits
(no text; person standing at the end of a wharf in the rain)
Save Me A Seat
Stewart McKie

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Bonus Footage

YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 20 September 2021

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

CKMS Community Connections for 28 June 2021 — A #CanCon Episode

Show Notes

This is the week in which we used to celebrate Canada Day. That’s not happening, but there’s no reason to not celebrate incredible Canadian musicians. Stay tuned over the summer for interviews with some of these musicians, and when the studio re-opens we may have some Live, On-Air, In-Studio performances!

Music Index

Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections
Introduction by Bob Jonkman
CKMS Sunflower logo
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m49s Confusion Confusion | Clarissa Diokno  (photo of Clarissa Diokno head with her hair blowing in the air)
Clarissa Diokno
3m51s Won’t Take My Embrace Hypnotic Mirage | Won't Take My Embrace (ping and orange patterns as a background, with a prominent circle around the words)
Hypnotic Mirage
7m56s Gone With The Wind Gone With The Wind | Eryn Young (text on a background of blue and pink clouds)
Eryn Young
12m20s New Moon New Moon | Courtney Wolfe (illustration of a traffic mirror in a cityscape)
New Moon EP
Courtney Wolfe
13m46 Make Me Forget
16m30s Spiderman (headshot of Andy Klaehn playing saxophone)
Keith Murch and Andy Klaehn
20m43 Flip, Flop, and Fly John Lee and some members of the band on stage John Lee & The Hookers
24m40s Shoreline Athanase | Shoreline (a light blue triangle with  hands of a clock in waves on a dark blue background)
Immortal EP
29m06s Walking Away featuring CJ Cooper and Stacey Lee Guse Stewart McKie
Stewart McKie
33m27s Cowboy Chelsey Danfield | Cowboy (portrait of Chelsey Danfield surrounded by flowers)Cowboy Chelsey Danfield
36m34s A Lazy Day In June A Lazy Day In June (a bird files over pink clouds)(single) Taylor Davison
40m43s No More Violence Portrait of Alysha Brilla
Alysha Brilla
44m50s Sojourner (Image of JoJo Worthington split horizontally with vertical pencilled lines connecting the halves)
JoJo Worthington
47m42s Disaffected Scrolling Through Portrait of Incendiary Sweet (Victoria Feige) in a brick corner partialy in shadow)
Incendiary Sweet
50m28s Against All Odds Phöenix Lazare | Against All Odds (Phöenix Lazare sitting in a field at the edge of the woods)
Phöenix Lazare
53m44s House of the Rising Sun Moon & Mercury | Madison Galloway (Op Art illustration of mushrooms and other things)
Moon and Mercury
Madison Galloway
58m00s Bob Jonkman gives the extro credits, and Coal Mine plays out the hour. I, The Mountain | Coal Mine (an island with trees under a setting sun)
I, The Mountain

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.