Tag Archives: Waterloo 10K

Lloyd Schmidt & Carolina Miranda – In Conversation with Rashmi

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Race Director, Lloyd Schmidt from Run Waterloo is an avid runner for over 40 years, began directing races in 1987 and has a reputation for organizing quality events, a long history of race innovation, and a dedication to the community. A family effort since conception, the organization is dedicated to building a strong, healthy, and connected community in Waterloo Region through the sport of running and the attitude of giving back. The Waterloo Classic is Waterloo Region’s oldest and largest 10k Race. The Father’s Day tradition that began in 1978 is still going strong, bringing families and the running community in general together for a fun summer morning

My second guest, Carolina Miranda is an Educator and one of the main organizers of the first Waterloo Region Women’s March in 2018. She is the creator and co-founder of Feminine Harbor and a social profit that promotes education, storytelling and the arts by women in order to foster female leadership and created the LIGHT Stories.
She immigrated to Canada from Brazil in 2003 and has since grown new roots in the Waterloo Region, one of the most dynamic ecosystems in Canada for culture, and technology. In 2004 she was one of the very first ensemble actors for the internationally acclaimed theatre company, The Multicultural Theatre Space.
She is a writer, and some of her most recent essays and poetry can be found in the “Anthology of Social Justice and Intersectional Feminisms”, organized by Dr. Katrina Sark, and which officially launched on International Women’s Day 2018 in Victoria, BC. A single mother of two incredible girls who inspire her daily to become not only a better person but to leave behind a better world. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are not just aspects of her job, but how she authentically lives her relationships with direct family ties to four different countries: Canada, Brazil, The Basque Countries (Spain) and The Dominican Republic
Carolina will sit down with me as we chat about her work, her role as a mom and her dedication to do more for women not just in our community but for women across.

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