WR Podcasts is CKMS-FM Radio Waterloo’s showcase of some of the podcasts produced in Waterloo Region. Each week we air one or two episodes from local producers to give you a taste of what’s available in Waterloo Region.
WR Podcasts is not currently on the CKMS-FM schedule.
Podcasts in the rotation:
On Wisdom features a social-cognitive scientist in Toronto and an educator in London discussing the latest empirical science regarding the nature of wisdom.
Old Grey Mayors host Rob Deutschmann sits down with community leaders, civic leaders, and others from across Waterloo Region to learn more about their experiences and how those lessons can apply to today’s issues.
- Welcome to
Bonn Park Podcast where hosts Marshall Ward and Sara Geidlinger chat in-depth with fascinating people living, working, and creating in Waterloo Region.
Watershed Writers with Tanis MacDonald features interviews within an exciting mix of local fiction writers, novelists, poets, authors, playwrights and essayists.
Talk To Me with David Ward features Dave Ward going one-on-one with Canadian artists, politicians and business people from all walks of life.
Waterloo Region Podcast Producers! Do you want your podcast included in WR Podcasts? Drop us a line at office@radiowaterloo.ca with your podcast pitch!
The simplest way to describe “the vinyl sound” is close-mic’d instruments with high quality mics, and certain mics cooked with compression (not file compression; i’m talking dynamic range control in modern parlance) and maybe a bit of tape distortion if you wanna get crazy with the even-order harmonics that analog recording mediums will give you when you exceed 0 dB. Digital doesn’t distort in a pleasing way. That’s the “vinyl sound.” It has very little to do with vinyl itself.
oh, this is too much. You have a podcast called “Old Grey Mayors?”
This will be a fun listen. (I’m not new to campus radio at all. Been on the air before, actually. But this is the first time I’ve really heard 102.7 for longer than it takes to drive past KW on 401.
Sadly, “WR Podcasts” is not on the schedule at the moment. But if you’d like to sponsor it, then we’ll put it back on the schedule! And in a timeslot of your choice (green and yellow timeslots on the schedule are available). Sponsorships cost $31.00/month for an hour show in Prime Time, and $15.50/month in Off-Peak times.
Check out https://radiowaterloo.ca/how-to/start-a-new-show/