1. Hawkwind, Sonic Attack
2. The Rolling Stones, Monkey Man (request)
3. Chuck Berry, Too Much Monkey Business (request)
4. Warren Zevon, Monkey Wash Donkey Rinse (request)
5. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Temptation
6. Ten Years After, I’m Coming On
7. Murray McClauchlan, Sixteen Lanes Of Highway
8. Traffic, John Barleycorn Must Die
9. Van Halen, Mine All Mine
10. Queen, Great King Rat
11. Metallica, The House Jack Built
12. Megadeth, Kill The King
13. John Mellencamp, Last Chance
14. Bryan Ferry, Can’t Let Go
15. Janis Joplin, A Woman Left Lonely
16. Guns N’ Roses, Bad Obsession
19. The Grateful Dead, The Music Never Stopped
20. Elton John, Razor Face
21. Talking Heads, The Great Curve
22. Flash And The Pan, Media Man
23. Coverdale/Page, Over Now