CKMS FUNDRAISER SPRING 2021: Total Raised So Far

Friends of CKMS Funding Drive 2021



May 5, 2021 – CKMS recently attained a significant milestone in Canadian community radio history: 40 years on the FM airwaves. Unfortunately, our world was hit by the devastating effect of Covid-19 during the year 2020. But we were resilient! We survived the worst part. CKMS 102.7FM (Radio Waterloo) is pleased to announce the Friends Of CKMS Fundraiser Drive (May 7-May 20 Extended to 24 May!, 2021 both inclusive). We are counting on your support! Starting on May 7th, 2021, the fundraiser aims to raise a minimum of $1,000 to support the ongoing operations of our non-profit, volunteer-run, community radio station. And we need your support. Programmer participation to drive this funding initiative is very important! Many local businesses have generously contributed prizes for the event to support the fundraising and help make the fundraising drive a successful event. This year, we want to make it better!


Radio Waterloo evolved from the Broadcasting Club /Broadcasting Association at the University of Waterloo which was operating in the early to mid 1960’s. CRTC-licensed since 1977, CKMS recently passed 40 years on the FM airwaves. The radio station is entirely run by volunteers and does not receive any ongoing funding from the government or universities. The majority of our operations are funded by grants, programming fees paid by the on-air hosts and donations from the community. The station provides a unique service to the KW region by being a voice for the different cultural communities and alternate content not available on commercial radio.


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