Reggae Patrol is a diverse Caribbean radio show which plays a large range of Reggae, Dancehall, Ska, Rock-steady and lovers-rock every Saturday from 6pm-8pm eastern time.
Reggae Patrol top 10 chart will give you an overview of Dancehall and Reggae songs that are trending within the global diaspora, the sweetened voice of our energetic host Shawn Bush will keep you glued to your speakers, two full exciting hour with a lot of twist.
Reggae Patrol also interview local and international artistes on a promotional platform, we give updates on upcoming Reggae and Dancehall events in our community (Waterloo Region) and the greater Toronto area.
Five minutes reviews and previews chit chatting on what is hot in the news and reviews.
Always a great show!
Thanks Shawn and Shelly
Gary and Barb
Lighta! When is your show on?
This talented young man plays Saturdays @ 6pm and it’s pretty good sounds.