Tag Archives: Coast Kids Hip Hop

BC’s Coast Kids HipHop take their words it to the Streets. Check It!

Coast Kids Hip Hop  4 guys from the suburban streets in the lower mainland spreading their words and beliefs about life through hip hop music. With all members sharing a strong work ethic and the drive to succeed. Expect big things in the future from the " Coast Kids "
Coast Kids Hip Hop. 4 guys from the suburban streets in the lower mainland spreading their words and beliefs about life through hip hop music. With all members sharing a strong work ethic and the drive to succeed. Expect big things in the future from the ” Coast Kids “

This is a little feature on Coast Kids HipHop featuring vocalists Live to See Livsey and Grizz G. It’s a little wonky in vocal levels, but hell, turn it up! Check them out on Facebook under Coast Kids HipHop.

ColinMPhoto, GrizzG, Live To See Livsey, Young Casanova

I have been playing their music for a while now starting with Live to See Livsey’s Gwaddafalla, and Wise Wondering under their former moniker Byg Country. Now as the Coast Kids Live to See Livsey and Grizz G have more new trax including Today’s The Day, Stomping Grounds, and I Say What Up.

Here are more of their latest tracks via Soundcloud – Check It! Coral FM.