Tag Archives: Patent Social

Choose Yr Own Festival — Saturday, 20 April 2019



$10/Venue | $15/All Venues | $5/Prfm | Kitchener-Waterloo's Choose Yr Own Fest '19 | Saturday April 20th * 2019 | Patent Social | Chainsaw | Night School | Harmony Lunch | (very long list of bands) | Sponsored by | Long & McQuade | The Different Strokes Company | CKMS Radio Waterloo

The Inaugural Kitchener Waterloo Choose Your Own Festival will take place Saturday April 20th , Uptown Waterloo from 2:00pm – 12:00am. Spanning four venues within seconds of each other, the festival is sure to be a unique experience. A delight to veteran concert goers, and newcomers alike.

Patent Social, Chainsaw, Night School, and Harmony Lunch will host the first ever Choose Your Own Festival. Boasting over 50 musical acts from the KW region and Ontario abroad, The festival serves in conjunction with the local seasonal Punk Rock Flea Market typically hosted by KWCDIY, which will take place at Chainsaw from 2:00pm – 6:00pm featuring over 20 vendors and local entrepreneurs. Please note The festival is all ages, excluding Chainsaw past 8:30pm.

The Inagural Kitchener Waterloo Choose Yr Own Festival | Saturday April 20th 2019 | Patent Social | Chainsaw | Night School | Harmony Lunch | 2:00pm until after Midnight

The festival is the brainchild of former ne’er-do-well, and current local musician Chris Walton. Developed as a way to get all his local (and abroad) musician buddies together for a one day gig, Chris hired Kyle Wappler to help co-host the festival as a means to give back to the local music community within the tri-cities, showcasing all the best independent bands in Ontario. Chris and Kyle have been involved with the local KW music scene for over a decade now. On the surface, both seem to share very different musical tastes and outlooks from one another, but at the heart of it all they both share the same proverbial DIY ethos. Kyle is no stranger to festivals, he and Chris both had roles in the success of the now defunct local KOI music fest, and is currently working on his second annual Hopefest to take place later this September. Needless to say, music in the region is at a surplus. The times are exciting to be a music fan of any genre in Kitchener Waterloo, and even Cambridge too!

“This festival is to serve the local arts community at large. To nurture and maintain a music scene for everyone at all walks of life to enjoy, is the end goal. Kitchener Waterloo’s arts community will never stagnate, if every facet from the region works together. KW’s Choose Your Own Fest stands with these inclusive values”

Advance tickets for the festival are availble at www.ticketscene.ca, Orange Monkey, Digital Print Integrity Inc., and local musical acts.

KW CYOF is sponsored by:

Different Strokes

Long and McQuade

102.7 FM CKMS

Digital Print Integrity Inc.