Rita AuBenseiter aka the Lovely and Talented Theresa Noon is back with her cast of the usual suspects! in A Very AuBenseiter Thanksgiving.
Nan is growing older and has summoned the entire AuBenseiter clan for an important Thanksgiving Dinner. When this misfit extended family gets together for a meal, they’re sure to serve up a menu of hilarity, hijinks and Nan’s special Murder Pie. Be part of the family and enjoy a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. Invite your family and friends.
Mystery Dinner and Show: $54.00 (inc. tax and grats)
When: September 27th & October 4,11,&12th, 2014
Guests Arrive: Starting at 6:30pm
*October 12th is a matinee performance at 12:30pm
Still tickets available for this Saturday’s Murder Mystery Dinner: A Very AuBenseiter Thanksgiving. Bring your dysfunctional family to have a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner in a very untraditional way with this dysfunctional family!
Also at The Blue Moon…. Flannwood Mac! Friday November 7, 2014 Doors Open at: 6:30pm, Music at: 8:00pm. Tickets:$15.00 advance, $20.00 door. Reserve for Dinner to get Premium Seating
Flannwood Mac at The Blue Moon in November!
I have seen Flannwood Mac …. and they honour Fleetwood Mac beautifully.