Category Archives: Shows
Posts about shows and programmers.
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Corporate Profile
Name of Organization: Radio Waterloo Inc.
Address: 142 Waterloo St. Waterloo
Purpose: to Provide Education and Training in the Communication Arts
Date of Incorporation: January 20, 1978
Origin of Operations: Radio Waterloo evolved from the Broadcasting Club / Broadcasting Association at the University of Waterloo which was operating in the early to mid 1960’s.
Board of Directors: By the organizations By-Laws The board of directors has 4 Official Executive Officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Corporate Secretary. The board is composed of 7 directors including the 4 Executive Officers. In 2008 the Corporation opted for a means based working/administrative board to take over prior responsibilities of the staff including SoundFM’s general manager. The measure implemented via committees that are in time to be administered by the membership rather than board members; however, the each board member is tasked with oversight and facilitation of each specific operating committee. Once committees are in place by general members the board would revert to its Carver model Traditional Policy Governance Board operation model. Specific to our operation of a radio station facilitating for a general manager for the station would be a requirement before the Carver Model resumption.
Important Documents:
Fiscal Year End: August *(the board can elect for an alternate fiscal year end)
Governing Documents:
Radio Waterloo was incorporated under the corporations act via letters patent, a copy of the supplementary letters patent is available here:
(needs to be edited some pages flipped)
Board Policy
Advertising Policy
Fundraising Policy
Promotions Policy
Written Agreements/Contracts:
20120322 Swing and Blues Radio Show Part I by David Trinh, Amanda Bell & Jim Maure
20120322 Swing and Blues Radio Show Part II by David Trinh, Amanda Bell & Jim Maure
Mano A Mano: Bands that should NOT have broken up.
Following Lisa Nola’s Music Listography book with the theme “Bands that should NOT have broken up”
Vote/write to us at:
Ferry Take Me
Feature Band of the week: The Spooky But Nice
Check out Mano A Mano and SoundFM’s Feature Band of the week the Spooky But Nice with their 2012 self titled release.
For more on this band and other awesome bands check out my blog at (PS – DJ AdRock is awesome):
or the Mano a mano radio page at:
The Tra La Las, Jesse Lebourdais & Jon Creeden
The Rebel Spell, Brutal Youth, Born Wrong, Social Club No.27 – Kitchener
episode #10 march 20 International Plowing Match 2012 by jeff stager, heidi greb, samantha kim
Heidi Greb from the speaks about the IPM. Samantha Kim as co-host
Popular Musicology (Mar19) – Road Trip
episode #37 part 2 The Swing and Blues show by jeff stager, john ladan, ann sychterz, dwight hakim
episode #37 part two
episode #37 part 1 The Swing and Blues show by jeff stager, john ladan, ann sychterz, dwight hakim
episode #37
Whats coming up on NVS ltb March 16th
Wow St. Patty’s day is just around the corner.. where tongues turn Green and the Luck of the Irish travels beyond the green Isle. In this pre patty’s day celebration edition of NVS on SoundFM Will will be playing an assortment of artists to tantilize your musical tastebuds some of these artists may appear: Dennis Sheperd, Audien, Aly&Fila, Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic, Leon Boiler, Dan Stone, Talla 2XLC, Nicole Scherzinger, Wolfgang Gartner, W&W, Airwave, Cat Martin, Mark Otten, Activa, Steven Davidson, Jorn Van Deynhoven, Scott Brian, and maybe a track or two from riot recordings, plus some others that may pop up in there…
I’ll be talkin a bit about St. patrick and or saints for the mystic minute
and for the future foray – Nuetrino Messaging Service..??
Friday 2-4pm Check out NVS
thanks to for contributions to the logo
episode #9 march 13 community shared agriculture by jeff stager, mark ruesser, angie koch, will, marianne, samantha
episode #9 features Angie Koch of speaking about the Community Shared Agriculture model for local food. Co-host was Mark Ruesser. Other guests were Will, Marianne and Samantha commenting on agricultural concerns and impressions.
In My Coma – performs live in the SoundFM studio
Feature Band of the Week: In My Coma
Live on the Mano A Mano show.
Haha my old NVS page from 2005… :)
Funny I ran into this again today through a really strange weblink.
Its even stranger that I found it, because I was looking for the logo credits i needed to put up with my show logo..
Was the source of my original logo, which they granted rights to use their photo as part of my show logo. I’ve modified it for my label photo but it is still the nvs microflight logo that is still my logo for neovibesolarium.
Really funny to think so much time has passed.
Popular Musicology (Mar12) – Me No Speak Americano
Programmer Bios
This is a test page
This is a test page.
Popular Musicology (Mar05) – Light & Dark
* Guest DJs: Andrew Barkley & Kurtis Thomas
I give you THE FROGS!
Brought to you by the Mano A Mano show.
episode #8 march 6 local food, temperament and training in cattle by jeff stager,melissa baer, nancy noecker
episode #8 Melissa Baer of speaks about marketing directly to consumers. Nancy Noecker from OMAFRA speaks about “temperament and training” in cattle.
Friday’s Edition of NVS
This week on NVS – various world EMUSIC artists, potential play from Daniel Kandi, Cerf et Co. ?Tom Cloud?, Chris Parker, Nyusha, Olly Murs, Lange, Gaia, and others… what will be this weeks 20 tracks?
FUTURE FORAY Self Healing Materials — not just for the skin.. but now material that can heal organs.
MYSTIC MINUTE – “The little people”
Shallow thoughts.. maybe there will be time, …
Neo Vibe Solarium ~2-4pm on 100.3 Sound FM with your host Will A.