Category Archives: No Crap Radio

From the obtuse to the forgotten.



The Revolution will be broadcast here.

Lots of versions tonight. Ramones doing psychedelia, paranoid ska and some big band jazz.

You can hear my current shows Friday nights at midnight. If you’d like to give me some ideas for the music you want just let me know at  and I’ll do my best.

Some of the sources I’ve taken music from might not be the best sonically (esp 78s) but really lots of this stuff you just can’t find anymore.

This weeks site  it is very good for finding and pricing all that wonderful vinyl you’re sitting on.

This weeks recommended movie. Surviving the Game with Ice T.  The problem with hunting the underclass is that they always prove smarter and tougher than you think.  Always.  Revenge is sweet.

“The living is a passing traveler; The dead, a man come home.”  Li bai

Tonight featuring my favourite jazz diva.

And the skasters are hanging around waiting for the end of the world.

harry manx-voodoo child. (Can)

j hammond-219

t waits-till the money runs out

mavis staples-eye on the prize. 

 blues project-you can’t catch me

butterfield blues band -shake your money maker

g thorogood-cocaine blues

sadies-little Sadie. (Can)

animals-cc rider.  

diodes-shape of things to come (Can)

999-emergency live 12′ single

adverts-gary gilmores eyes

godfathers-birth, school, work, death

ramones-journey to the centre of the mind

electric prunes-I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night   

mustard plug-mr. smiley


skankaroos-this is Ska


ruder than you-Paranoid (Black Sabbath Ska Cover)   

bruce cockburn-deja vu (Can)

ralph towner-track 17

steve hunter-of all the times to leave

durruti column-all that love and maths can do   

dinah washington – How Deep Is The Ocean

dinah washington – There’ll Be Some Changes Made (1955)

dinah washington – since i fell for you

dinah washington – lets fall in love

dinah washington – Ain’t misbehaving

spk-in flagrant delicto

lisa gerrard-persian love song

david sylvain-nostalgia. 

“Though lovers be lost, love shall not.” – Dylan Thomas

You can d/l my shows at dropbox

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.14 FEB. 15/25 12 AM

K Pop free zone


How did we get here:  our-new-pandemic-moral-cowardice


ignorance is bliss

Coming soon!  Celebrity family food battle.  The newest American tv show.  With token Canadian Howie Mandel!!

Bar the gates.

I’m starting to sell the last of my record collection.  Got about six crates of vinyl to go through.

The best that I’ve kept as a library.  Thank god I’m a buddhist.  I’ll get through this.

My soul goes with them.  They live.

Video recommendation.  Couldn’t find a broad selection of free stuff but please find some groundbreaking cartoons from the Animaniacs. They will make you feel 7 years old again.  We need them more than ever.

I believe trump wants to rearm the world for the coming war with the aliens.

My opener tonight is a song everyone should hear once.  The prettiest and saddest 3 and a half minutes you will ever have.

“The way is not in the sky.  The way is in the heart”  Buddha

tim buckley-song of the siren

nick drake-things behind

tom rush-urge for going

roxy music-jealous guy

rem-dream no. 9

midnight oil-instant karma live

lenny kravitz-cold turkey  

green day-working class hero

mattie deleney-down the big road blues

elmore james-crossroads

joe carter-sweet home chicago

billy boy arnald-lets work it out

john brim-gary stomp

otis spann-got my mojo workin

springsteen-matamoros banks

ry cooder-vigilante man

dylan-i pity the poor immigrant

b bragg-deportee

john cale-hallelujah

barenaked ladies-lovers in a dangerous time (Can)

natalie merchant-after the gold rush (Can)

rem-world leader

palace at 4 am-palace at 4am (Can)

laurie anderson-born never asked

david  byrne-in the future

fantan mojah-will I see you again

jimmy cliff-the harder they fall

“There is however, another form of sophism which is even more dangerous than incompetence, and that is the intention to use sophistry such as to fool and disarm a populace for the purpose of exacting tyranny.” Cynthia Chung 

Been listening to the other programs here and just want to say righteous!

You can catch my older shows every tuesday night at 9 pm

My dropbox address for d/l

We’re having a party on the 15th of March! Lots of great entertainment.  Keep coming to the site for more info.


I am shedding the skin I’m in.  Becoming someone new.  I can’t control it.  Being human.

A man of Faith.  Or Zany Zealotry, I don’t know which.  Don’t care…

You become smarter if you listen to music.  Especially if you’ve never heard it before.  A 5 minute song by Coltrane can contain as much genius as a book by Dylan Thomas or a picture from Picasso.

Tonight some jazz from the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, a twisted Dylan cover and the immortal Nina Simone!  A one hit wonder, a struggle for pleasure and the skasters stop by.

This weeks site.  It could be your child.

If you want normal go somewhere else.

Movie recommendation  Book of Eli with Denzel Washington.  The power of a man of hope

The vandals are at the gates!  (Look ‘em up)

Contact me at

Still looking for some poets brave enough to give voice to their genius here on the show.  Give me insight in a minute and a half you could hear it here.

Coming soon. ROBOT NEWS!  

specials-little bitch

urge-dark age

bunch of believers- it’s a ska world

beat-twist and crawl

riffs-peter gunn

king crimson-discipline

bowie-secret life of arabia


dirty dozen brass band-inner city blues

nat adderly-hummin

eddie harris-listen here

c nuts-cars.  

champs-my spirit is broken 

felt-mexican bandits

bunnymen-lips like sugar

smiths-what difference does it make. 

cream-born under a bad sign

hendrix-hey joe

frigid pink-house of the rising sun

xtc-all along the watchtower. 

nina simone-seems i’m never tired of loving you

style council-paris match

weather report-a remark you made. 

soft verdict-struggle for pleasure

Game of thrones soundtrack

linda shumas-the ruins

Bruce Cockburn-roll on silver wheels


Here’s my dropbox for all the shows.

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.”


catch my regular shows Friday nights at midnight.

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.05 FEB. 8/25 12AM

A fence with concertina wire is going up in the states.  A fence has two sides.

The biggest jerk in that circle of billionaires that are now consuming the states wants to move into the building.  Bad enough he lives just over there.  Don’t open the door.  Shhh.  Turn off the lights…

Jigsaw Planet wonderful time waster for you and the kids.  Great for the brain and hand/eye coordination.  Free too!

4 songs from the remastered Paris 1919 by John Cale. Breathtakingly brilliant! 

more no tears 

a Diva x 2.

Movie recommendation for the week. THX 1138!  Wanna get scared?  This is the one to do it.  Robert Duvall (1971) with Lucas and Coppola!   A stylistic wonder with the story of rebellion that can’t be broken.  Us.  You and me.  The methods may change but the message doesn’t.

Sophisticated jazz from before you were born.

joni mitchell-boho dance (Can)

van morrison-into the mystic

boswell sisters-the devil and the deep blue sea

cats and the fiddle-stomp stomp

earl hines-boogie woogie on st louis blues

chick webb-a simple melody

dinah washington-salty papa blues

a pablo

ub40-earth dies screaming

aswad-sons of criminals

p tosh-in my song

album leaf-wishful thinking

scott d davis-smells like teen spirit

antony and the Johnsons-knockin on heavens door

m good-weapon (Can)

cure-maybe someday

sigur ros-inni mersingar vitlesingue

john cale-andalucia

-half past france

-antartica starts here

-hanky panky nohow

savage republic-film noir

joy division-love will tear us apart (BBC)

eric random-no mans trash

adult-no tears

john zorn-shaolin spirit

loop guru-can of ghosts

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.~ Victor E. Frankl

My shows on dropbox

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.03 Reblast TUE. 9PM

Hiya.  Welcome to the reblast!

I’m back.

More scars but earned with honour.

Still standing.

Meaner than yesterday.

no crap radio survives in new versions.  i’ve spent the last dozen years collecting music.

you’re going to hear lots of it.  the amazing legacy that brilliant people have given us astounds me.  

i’ve been playing music for 45 years and still find new genius in sometimes the simplest melody.

An unbroken language that has defined our humanness.  The brilliance of a trumpet player in the 1930’s can be as inspired as a folk singer from the 60s or a dub artist of the 2000s.

I’m running everyday as I have heard Buddha is just over the next hill and I want to walk in his shadow.  I earned the karma.

Not yet an ex hippie.

This weeks recommended site.

“The fear of death is more to be feared than death itself.”  Publius Syrus   a roman slave

Every week I promise you music you’ve never heard before along with lots of good stuff from 100 years of recorded sound.   To me thelonious monk is the same as moby who’s the same as dylan who’s the same as prince.  So… jazz, dub, folk, ambient, ska, punk, reggae and more styles than you’ve ever heard. music that mirrors it’s time.

Stuff like this:


Irma Thomas. –  soul of a man

Jackson Delta    my mistake (Can)

Chris Whitley    Dust radio (Can)

Brian Eno    by this river 

Japan    width of a room

King Crimson    two hands

Single Gun Theory    wild blue seas (Can)

Muslimgauze    bhutto

Matt Good    Alabama Motel Room (Can)

Hunters and Collectors    scream who

Nine inch Nails    dead souls (Can)

Wild Wax Combo    hot rod from hell

Rockabilly Aces    wild wild moman

Blazing Haley    Train to nowhere

Killer Brew    I fell in love

Go getters    blitzkrieg bop

Offspring    the kids aren’t alright

Demics  – 400 blows (Can)

Eddie and the hotrods  – quit this town

Angelikc Upstarts  – I’m an upstart

Alberto los trios paranoias  – kill (Can)

Burning spear – Marcus Garvey

Heptons – suffering so

Melodians – river of Babylon

Johnny Clarke – move on to Babylon 

Wailing souls – jah give his life

Ike & tina – 3 o’clock in the morning

T bone walker – stormy Monday 

Willy Dixon – seventh son

Albert king – Born under a bad sign

Nostalgia 11    7 nation army

Said baba talibah    revolution (Can)

Merry Clayton  – gimme shelter

“Do  not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”    Buddha

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.99 FEB. 1/25 12 AM

Download:, 1h59m59s, 164 MB

Subscribe to my podcast: (white dot in lower-left corner with two wavies expanding to the top-right, all on an orange background) No Crap Radio podcast

everything I do is a self portrait

An unfortunate truth is that revolution is never a passive act.

Trump wants to not tax tips.  So now businesses can pay a lot less and we become the arbiters of a wage slaves existence.  It will put billions of moolah into the pockets of our betters.  Medieval evil.  Gotta give it to ‘em.  Old tactics are the best tactics.

Songs of denial.  Songs of Redemption. Songs of hope.  Some you can dance to.  Accapella Nico!

Quote for today 

“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”  e.e. cummings

This weeks movie.  Straw Dogs.  Directed by Peckinpaw with his trademark graphic violence.  Mild mannered Dustin Hoffman strikes back at his wife’s rapists but gets caught up in the cycle of insanity of a quiet local English village.  Complex interwoven story lines and it begs the question of retribution.

Now you might not think it but I’ve been told I’m a bit abrasive and shouldn’t point out the truth.  It’s not my job to make the truth palatable.

This weeks web site recommendation: featuring the writing of one of the most brilliant women on the net, Cynthia Chung.  An astounding range of topics that dissect history and politics into wonderful stories featuring complex interrelationships that resonate through history.  You can get her free stuff sent to you or support her sub stack pages.  This is the second time I have recommended her work.  That’s how good it is.  She makes me feel slow and stupid because her writing is so well researched.

Lots of contrariness. Yeah, I’m like that.  Don’t care.  lkj, phil oaks, an angry lightfoot cover.

A really good opener from a Grammy nominated Memphis based band called Southern Avenue.  And i don’t impress easily.  Good luck!

southern avenue-rum boogie. (New)

otis spann-i wonder why

ping rose-careful for what you wish for. (New)

phil ochs-in the heat of the summer

hip-black day in july (can)

billy bragg-it says here

lkj-sonny’s letter

p tosh-get up stand up

anthony b-slavery

black uhuru-dreadlock pall bearers

nico-all tomorrows parties 

morphine-take me with you

tom waits-sweet little bullet

cesaria evora-sodade

paul simon-further to fly

bruce cockburn-silver wheels (can)

test dept-red dust 

idiom colleagues-travels beyond (can)


robyn hitchcock-pit of souls

modern lovers-pablo picasso


patty smith-rock n’ roll niger

jim carrol-people who’ve died

english beat-tears of a clown

specials-little bitch

ska p-ni fu ni fa. (Spanish)




Live your life with unforgiving passion.  It’s tough but worth it.

Keep your sense of Humour.

Google is changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.  Boy, that looks a lot like 1984 doesn’t it.

Told you so…

my shows on dropbox


about that matter of the coming of the four horsemen…

Listen to the show.  Lotsa good stuff.

Wisdom for free.  

The exposure of the human soul.

Quote this week. “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”  V for Vendetta

Go to my dropbox address to save the show to listen to later

This weeks movie: v for vendetta.  A modern classic that tells the tale of us my friends.  Revolution is nothing new.  We usually leave it too late and we become the slaves that they want.  The hero wears a mask.  He could be you, he could be me.

John Hurt starred as winston smith in 1984 and as a very big brother type leader in v.  Amazing range.  Brilliant twist.

rushed taha-rock the casbah

clash-pressure drop

clash-i fought the law

k max-brand new cadilac

toots-maggies farm

jc lodge-dont think twice

delroy wilson-this old heart of mine

peter tosh-johnny b good

presley-hard headed woman  

roy orbison-mean woman blues

ray charles-i’ve got a woman

stones-can I get a witness  

dave clark five-reeling and rockin

animals-c c rider

natalie merchant-house carpenter

hot tuna-death don’t have no mercy

be good tanya-scattered leaves

springsteen-kingdom of days

richard thompson-i feel so good

murder plans-hurt somebody

rem-it happened today

kronos quartet-marquee moon

siouxsie-lost little girl

sisters of mercy-gimme shelter

ministry-isle of men

roxy music-editions of you

-do the strand

-all I want is you

-street life

We’re throwing a party in March and I’m looking for a stand up comic or magician or a fire dancer to help us celebrate a club full of people.  send me a note at and tell me how you’re going to amaze us.

A free quote

“the true value of a man is not determined by his possession, supposed or real, of Truth, but rather by his sincere exertion to get to the Truth”. Gotthold Lessing (German dramatist)

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.96 Jan. 18/25 12AM

Almost all versions.  It happens.

A couple of glory boxes.

Very rare mid sixties toronto rock.

Movie recommendation this week, Blue Velvet by David Lynch.  David died yesterday.  This particular movie builds on his edgy sexually charged explorations into human motivation (like twin peaks).  Set in a small midwestern town it is a classic noir style mystery that has Dennis Hopper in one of his strangest roles.  Initially panned it went on to win many awards and is now seen to be one of the most intense films of the 80’s.

i’ve been prepping.

the voice of the future is at the end under the streetlight. thank god for punks, eh.

please join me and other djs for winterloo in waterloo on the 25th.  lots of good sounds and family friendly events.  12 – 5pm.  go to the website for lots of  info.

I love riddles even if I don’t figure them out.  any site will do but this is a good start.  they keep you smart. is a site that teaches you things.  Neil deGrasse Tyson (noted brainiac) has a new course on thinking.  not just on one subject like coo coo clocks but overall how to increase your intelligence.  you can track him down there and view a clip or two from it.  fascinating.  about time.

ike & tina turner-reconsider baby  

clifton chenier-ti na na

buckwheat zydeco-bucks boogie

memphis slim-rockin 

albert collins-iceman


david sylvain-red guitar

tom waits-red shoes


alberto los trios paranoias-anarchy in the uk

diodes-shape of things  (Can)


dickies-eve of distruction

goldfinger-the kids are alright

ramones-journey to the centre of your mind

tuxedomoon-no tears 

poles-cn tower  (Can)

joy division-interzone 

bauhaus-3rd uncle

rhinoceros-apricot brandy 69 (Can)

mandala-love-itis  (Can)

-opportunity  (Can)

ugly ducklings-nothin  (Can)

 -gaslight 67  (Can)

chad allan and the expressions-shakin’ all over  65  (Can)

dream syndicate-cinnamon girl

wiretrain-mr soul

cure-hello, i love you

beck-pill box hat

john martin-glory box

-solid air

teethout-streetlights (Can)

bad religion-punk rock song

you can download any of my shows from dropbox.

quote of the day.  “Fascism is able to attract the masses because it makes a demagogic appeal to their most urgent needs and demands.” – Leon Trotsky

Let’s just call it what it is.  Genocide.   Take this bunch of fascists to The Hague…

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.92 JAN. 11/24 12AM


The top paid Canadian ceo last year made 68.5 million dollars.

How ’bout you?  Learn your place prole.

Hey! Mingus.

An Annie Lennox profile, old blues and still more waiting for the man.

This weeks website. Videos of Pinky and the Brain Fan Site  And they say us geniuses ain’t got no sense of humour. That’ll show ‘em!!!

This weeks movie.  Casualties of War.  A stellar job by Micheal J. Fox in a surprisingly profound profile of a man haunted by shame.  Not his. His squad in war that commits a rape of a vietnamese woman.  Director Brian De Palma has a way of capturing the raw human emotion of rage (something like Peckinpah with Straw Dogs).

It’s one of them that they don’t want us to see.

(But you can watch real crap like the DC universe anytime. You are being controlled and you don’t even know it.)

peter tosh-downpressor man

burning spear-people get ready

augustus pablo-mount of olives dub

bim skala bim-dub mistake

annie lennox-ladies of the canyon

-it’s alright

-take me to the river

-train in vain

k c douglas-mercury blues

jimmy reed-shame shame shame

pete johnson-walkin the boogie

arthur cruddup-my baby left me

eddie boyd-chicago is just that way

asylum street spankers-breathin’

nina simone-do i move you

ernie andrews-since i fell for you

charles mingus-cryin blues

arrester-imposter (Can)

frazey ford-lovers in a dangerous time (Can)

cowboy junkies-sweet jane (Can)

philip glass-nov 25th

in the nursury-angelchrome

creatures-sky train

loop guru-caravan

stranglers-mean to me

cracker-teen angst

uk subs-i’m waiting for the man

pack a.d.-1880

peaches-search and destroy

king crimson- thela hun ginjeet

Todays word: Catharsis

“What are we going to do tonight Brain?”

“The same thing we do every night Pinky.  Try to take over the world!”

I’m gonna be at Winterloo so come by and say hello.

Download the show at dropbox

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.74 JAN. 4/25 12AM

I feel as if I am all the music I’ve ever heard and I’m taking it with me to heaven.  Fills me, fills me.  Humbled.

Trump has just nominated a Florida car dealer as the ambassador to Portugal.  That should work out.  Sounds good to me.

Recommended movie of the week. Meeting With Remarkable Men.  A 1979 film exploring a period in the life of G I Gurdjieff, a Greek Armenian mystic/philosopher.  If you have never heard of him please go to wiki and read a little bit of the life of this amazing man.  He was involved in the semi secret Sarmoung brotherhood, a Sufi system of secret Persian knowledge.  Hypnotizing.

You can download all of my shows from my dropbox address.

asleep at the wheel-blues for dixie 

doc watson-the train 

rambling’ jack elliot-rollin in my sweet babies arms

unseen strangers-end 

s goodman-its a sin to tell a lie

morcheeba-never an easy way  

massive attack-blue lines

burning spear-the ghost from marcus garvey in dub  

 r gallagher-don’t start me talkin

hound dog taylor-gonna send you back to Georgia

butterfield blues band-got my mojo workin

b guy/jr wells-t bone shuffle

big daddy g-frosty

Robot news

l anderson-thinking of you

art of noise-how to kill

cris derksen-party mix

sigur ros-inni mersingar vitlesingue

doors-crawling king snake

joplin-one good man

j beck-ain’t superstitious

cream-born under

psychedelic furs-mack the knife


“If it’s time for you to go, leave willingly, as you would to accomplish anything that can be done with grace and honor.” – Marcus Aurelius

This weeks recommended website.  Read about philosophy.

NO CRAP RADIO VERS. 4.37 Dec. 28/24 12AM

And Trump wants Canada!

Recommended movie. Mishima.  Japanese deluded man that rose up through Japanese society to command a lot of respect for his creative genius and his adherence to Japanese codes of honour.  Author. Actor, military man.  Much respected but failed in his attempts to over throw the the democratic government in favour of emperor led system.  Committed hari kari for his misjudgement and failure.  Soundtrack by Philip glass should be in your collection.

Johnny Winter from the vinyl! Internet news (all true). Vintage Plastic, odd truth and wisdom.

Looks like we’ve got a few new shows coming to the station so go to our site and take look around. 

join us for the party ok!

“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.”  Wilde

style council-internationalists

e costello-what’s so funny

antiflag-911 for peace

green day-american idiot

call-turn a blind eye j

jo ann kelly pallett on your floor

tom rush-galveston flood

micheal shocked-the l and n don’t

neil mac-we all fall down

red house painters-have you forgotten

marianne faithful-as tears go by

cohen-take this waltz

desmond dekker-isrealites

toots-funky kingston

lkj-forces of victory

hunters and collectors-carry me

matt good-automatic

hip-the lonely end of the rink

rem-i’m gonna dj

johnny winter-slippin and slidin

-johnny be good

-rollin & tumblin

-black cat bone

-highway 61

aloe bloc-ticking time bomb

antique toys- zomb13

bonsai kitten-hanging on the telephone

billy joe armstrong-kids in America

plastic bertrand-ca plane pour moi

You can download my shows from my dropbox address

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.23 SAT. DEC. 21/24 12AM

Lemmy and an acoustic ace of spades!

Jerry lee and little Richard together in one set.  Roots.

Recommend Putumayo records for world music. Pick them up cheap in any used cd store but they have a great range of world music inside.

Been rediscovering the Beats.  Really intelligent though crazy people.  Tom Waits pays tribute to them tonight.  Monk too!  And a bit of spoken stuff from Jack Kerouac.

Early rock and roll with Robert Gordon and the shaking pyramids, fake news, political claptrap and passing phrases.  bluesbluesblues too!

This weeks movie. Zardoz. What happens when the primitive gains access to the decaying world of the immortals.  Strange savage movie with Sean Connery.  Proving that without that Primitive within ourselves we wither and die.  Sad truth of the yin/yang.

“Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is enlightenment.”    Lao tzu

buckwheat zydeco-on track

queen ida-la bas two step

katie webster-2 fisted mama 

big maceo merriweather-chicago breakdown

otis spann-spanns boogie woogie

amos milburn-lets have a party

david lindley-mercury blues

stray cats-built for speed

kingmakers-hot rod girl

shakin pyramids-hellbent on rockin

robert gorden-love my baby

little richard-good golly

j l lewis-rock and roll

Motörhead-ace of spades

Canned heat-can’t hold out

Down child-I got everything I need

Sunnyland slim-sunny land blues

Jimmy reed-shame shame shame

joe mcbride-word up

tom waits-jack and neil

monk-straight, no chaser

nina simone-love me or leave me

dobet gnahore-samahandi

papa wembe-negroro

jeru boys -jit jive

telupa negra -telupa negre

wall of voodoo-lost weekend

shriekback-this big hush

roxy music-song for europe

John Zorn w/Jack Kerouac-mirrors

Morphine-the other side

Nihilists are boring. pj

Download any of my shows from my dropbox


Have discovered how truly frightening AI is.  Had Bings co-pilot write me some Haiku poems and damn they were pretty good.  I have seen the future…   I’m going to see if I have a voice program and I’ll put the thing on air.

A night of many standards.  They’re songs that are covered in many different style by lots of different people over the course of years by people like the Crooked still and Siousie and the banshees and songs from Lou Reed to love me or leave me.  Hey some Charlie Parker too!

Robot news tonight (all true!)

“Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!” Robot Model B-9, Class YM-3, Environmental Control Robot.  Lost in Space TV series 1960s.

Still looking for some slam poets to submit their work in a minute and a half mp3.  I’ll listen and put it on if it kicks hard.

Bootleg Bowie, Little Stevie and jazz to finish up the evening.

Nerina Pallot-love will tear us apart

Pretty lights-finally moving

Yoshida brothers-fukaki uni no Kanata

bowie-waitin for the man

Lou reed-vicious

nick cave-all tomorrows parties

steve winwood profile

spencer davis group-goodbye stevie

traffic-dear mr fantasy (early)

blind faith-well alright

clapton/winwood-can’t find my way home

magazine-rhythm of cruelty

smiths-what difference does it make

siouxsie and the banshees-passenger

iggy-pumpin for jill

be good tanyas-in my time of dying 

crooked still-aint no grave

rory block-joliet biound

e macillwaine-can’t find my way home

wes montgomery-Bumpin’ On Sunset

Sarah Vaughan-They Can’t Take That Away From Me

Ernestine Anderson-Never Make Your Move Too Soon

charlie  parker-kc blues

kellylee evans-love me or leave me

Bim scala bim-rain

Ub40-1 in ten

Joe Jackson-the harder they come

Joe Cocker-cry me a river

This weeks movie, an oldie but a goodie. Clockwork orange.  A laugh riot.  Futurist portrayal of the demise of man and the attempts by society to paper it over.  Odd camera angles and bright colours.  Droogs forever!

Upcoming movie news.  Danny Boyle has released the trailer for the summer release of 28 years later.  3rd in the classic zombie series.

(Robots Rule)

Get my shows for download at my dropbox site.


A couple of old skasters got loose in the house tonight.  Catch’em for good luck!

A Paul Simon profile!  Poetry and Music from this understated elder statesman of song.  A wonderful career filled with multi-levels of meanings in the notes and words.  Giving and outgoing with a honourable life.  Listen for that deep African soul that he has been gifted with.  Ancient and wise.

I’m still looking for some tough slam poets to contribute their wisdom in pieces about a minute and a half.  vicious outlook preferred. aliens welcomed. AI too.

send your mp3 to.

This weeks recommended website. Everything you’ll ever want to know about Existentialism.  And more…

I’m happy to say that I’ve gifted the station with my digital library.  Over 20,000 songs ranging from T Texas Tyler to Philip Glass.  Music of Mali to obscure 7” punk singles.  All sorts of jazz from the thirties to fifties, Monk, Coltrane and Davis.  Tom Waits and the Stranglers. And probably more styles than you can think of.

In the future you won’t be able to hear this material unless you pay for it on some streaming service.  I hope years from now you and your children will be able to enjoy it. Over 40 years of collecting.

You can find my shows at my dropbox address – just download the show

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.”  Buddha

dylan-Boots Of Spanish Leather


m knofler-wanderlust 

Alpha blondy-wish you were here

Fan tan moja-will I see you again

Lucky dube-house of exile

Jimmy cliff-the love I need

Joe Jackson- 5 guys named Moe & Jumpin’ Jive

d reese-fine sugar

ernestine anderson-it dont mean a thing

cab calloway-we the cats shall hep you

joe turner-jumping tonight

eddy clearwater-party at my house

Paul Simon-cool cool river

Paul simon-Further to fly

Paul simon-You’re the one

801-falling feeling

David Sylvain-red guitar

Dead can dance-the snake and the moon

morphine-take me with you  

t waits-till the money runs out

j strummer-forbidden city 

Equals-Police On My Back 

Eddy Grant-Baby, Come Back

Rico-Sea Cruise 

Prince Buster-Madness 

inspector-Dark Angel

Movie of the week. The Name of the Rose with the immortal Sean Connery.  Written by the brilliant Umberto Eco.  Please go to Wiki to look him up.  Twisted mystery set in a 14th century monastery.  As convoluted as the labyrinth of the library.  Everyone is Guilty and are Consumed.  The story of early thought control by the church.  The denial of knowledge should be a sin.

download my shows here

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 3.11 SAT. NOV. 30/24 12Am

A short blues set, a great big love and Talking Heads.  What more could you want!

Lots of live tracks tonight.  A euro only release of some REM and a live track from Elvis Costello recorded at the Elmo. 

Try to think of listening to no crap as being a course in musicology.  When you challenge yourself to study you force yourself to grow.  Music is the oldest continuous form of communication.  The beat of the drum through the primordial night to 360 degree 3D sound through headsets. It has been with us always. A gift of god…

This weeks movie Fahrenheit 451.  The original from 1966.  Brilliantly shot and a great story.  Not so great acting or character development.  Dark dystopian aspects of social control that we see happening right now.  (They are taking hundreds of books out of libraries and schools in America.)  Bradbury was essentially a futurist and he along with Harlan Ellison and Philip K. Dick showed us the reality of now.  You can’t say you weren’t warned.

Ten percent of the jobs in Korea are now done by Robots.

Kimmy K just got the first Optimus companion robot.  Saw some pictures of this thing getting into a car and making heart gestures with his metal fingers.

Now I’m scared.

The Dropkick Murphy’s for some truth and some punky type stuff to get you dancing.

This weeks web site. A fantastic data base of 20th century art.  Most of the work is never seen.

Me.   send tough poetry in a mp3 and I ‘ll try to get it on the air.  The time for Mercy has passed.  Panic runs Riot and there are no excuses left.

“In the street of the sky night walks scattering poems”.  

e e cummings

elvis costello-radio live 

clash-i fought the law 

pil-public image 

r hell-blank generation 

animals-I Ain’t Got You

mainline-shes alright

doors-been down   

beatles-yer blues

fleetwood mac-big love 

rem-losing my religion

hip-the wherewithal 

j cash-hurt 

n cave-the one that

j cale-hallelujah 

nico-the fairest of the seasons

jimmy cliff-mystery babylon

anthony b-sufferin man   

toots  maytals-in the ghetto 

p tosh-walk and don’t look back 

j winter-black cat bone 

mississippi fred mcdowell-dust my broom 

j cotton-buried alive

shirts vs skins-heavens just

bernays propaganda-Safe Left  

subways-shake! shake!      

bad religion-punk rock song 

dropkick murphys-the gauntlet   

broadcast zero-i don’t care       

peter gabriel-games without frontiers

talking heads-seen and not seen


empty quarter-resurect

Karma is real.   pj


download my shows here

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 2.91 SAT. NOV. 23/24 12AM

Serious fun week…. It’s all in the mix.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the mix so far. Tonight a genius woman named Natalie, tonight a genius woman named Nico, the true cost of wars no end, some real glam from a dinosaur and a wicked cure cover to kick it off.

Robot news report!  Bender for Leader!  Yeah I’m a Futurama fan.

I’ve been on for a couple of months now and still learning my way around.

If you like trancy-type hypno groove check out the show Merkaba Radio with host Brandon Szabo here every Saturday night 8 – 9 pm.  Smooth.

Odd truths?   

What say of it? what say CONSCIENCE grim, That spectre in my path?

-Chamberlayne’s Pharonnida

This weeks movie recommendation. Child of Man.  What if time.  Catch the allegory in the movie when she disrobes and we see she is very pregnant.  She is in a barn surrounded by animals.  A compelling Jesus reference.  It shows what happens when the births stop.  Just stop.  Hope is lost.

Another one that deals with infertility is a TUBI movie called Colony.  Those who left a devastated Earth return.  Dark vision of the barbarian we are at heart.  And how we can transcend that.

This weeks website This young women, Cynthia Chung, is one of the most brilliant writers on the net.  You can subscribe through sub stack or get her work emailed to you for free.  10 out of 10 on the old no-crap-o’meter.  Impeccable research and a prodigious output of diverse topics.  Always daring. 

If you want to say thanks to all the crew who keep this joint open 365 days a year, go to our website and hit a button and join us in any way you can.  We are your voice.  Help us out with fundraising (if you own a bar throw us a dj party or have a dorm pastry sale).  Let us know and we’ll get behind your efforts.

Don’t forget I’m looking for some slam poets to give me words of wisdom in a minute and a half.  In-fighters only (anger optional). Maybe a man of faith, maybe a man of none.  The voice of woman always welcomed.

Ship a couple of mp3s to my mail.  if it’s to the point I’ll put it on.

gold finger-just like heaven

jam-a bomb in warder st

superchunk-girl you want

rancid-time bomb

clash-garage band

sham  69-angels with dirty faces

T rex-jeepster

T rex-get it on

T rex-metal guru

T rex-rip off

chiwoniso-rebel woman

tom diakite-fala

wasis diop-african dream

pogues-waltzing matida 

billy bragg-my youngest son came home today

n merchant-maggy & milly 

n merchant-nursury rhymes

good lovelies-the weight

culture-rub a dub style

lkj-cultural dub

yabby u-deliver me from mine enemy

wailing souls-jah give his life

ljx-two chord skankin

p gabriel-red rain



philip glass-sons of the silent age

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts & analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”

~ Thomas Sowell

download my shows here

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 2.77 SAT. NOV. 16/24 12AM

Hey pj, how did you get so smart?

Have to tell everyone around here that I’ve been very impressed with the quality of music that the djs put out.  Isn’t it refreshing to be treated as intelligent adults as opposed a commodity that can’t wait for the next big thing to be played by Pete and Brenda in the morning or the rocking drive time with Dave in the afternoon?  God I hate the corporate conglomerates that control mostly everything.  And radio stars.  Have I mentioned how I Hate radio stars?

We’ve got some fundraising going on right now so keep listening and contact us if you can help out.

Looking for slam poets to give me some insight in a minute and a half.  Send me an mp3 of your abstract wisdom and i’l try to get it on the air.  Gotta have the strength to tell the truth.

“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know“.   Donald Rumsfeld

This weeks movie. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. Staring Peter Weller.  Great Sci-fi satire.  Campy, action packed, steam punky.  It’s on TUBI streaming.  Over the top fun!  Lectroids from Planet 10 by way of the 8th dimension…

Swing blues to open up tonight.  Some early big band blues

k biscuit boy-let the good times roll

powder blues-cooking with the blues

j turner-corina corina

percy mayfield-would you call me a fool

little walter-oh baby

rem-i’ll take the rain

a lennox-why live

l cohen-ain’t no cure

catherine wheel-fripp

black violin-triumph

Bauhaus-she’s in parties

gyptian-serious times

rico-love and justice

paragons-the tide is high

wailing souls-mother and child reunion 

r havens-sad eyed lady of the lowland

t chapman-telling stories

j osbourne-st. teresa

jefferson airplane-crushinggura

throbbing gristle-20 jazz funk greats

Gurrella welfare-i left

Architect-les pensees

Moby-look back in

Moby-we are all made of stars

Moby-lift me up

Moby-one of these mornings

Download the shows here

I hope.  Will get direct link to here figured out soon


Some 40’s jazz to start.  It always amazes me how talented musicians have been. Artie Shaw was one of Americas finest arrangers.  400 years from now his work will be viewed as modern classical.  The completely forgotten Boswell Sisters who have yet to be equaled in their stylistic approach, an early blues diva and a standard from Joe Turner.

This weeks movie recommendation Wild in the Streets.  A 1968 milestone dystopian vision of how the young come to power in the future.  They eventually start dosing anyone over 45 with lsd.  Fourteen and fight!

Some ugly songs about death and America.

Ex Airplane guitarist Jorma Kaukonen and vocal gymnastics by Ellen Macillwaine.

Poetry/music from three Canadians and some truth from the islands.

This weeks recommended site.  boys from the blackstuff. A gritty 5 episode tv play written by Alan Bleasdale.  Life viewed from the perspective of the poor.  Gripping and heartrending.  Early 80’s.

No ska tonight.  They’re locked up under the stairs for being upstarts with a bad attitude. Sharp dressers though…

artie shaw-st james infirmary 

boswell sisters-It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing

bessie smith-do your duty  

j turner-st louis blues

john martyn-john wayne

nice cave-tupelo

violent femme-hallowed ground

joan osbourne-the man in the long black coat

will white-mournin doves

be good tanya-in my time of dying

johnsmith-ring that bell

tracy nelson-baby please don’t go

jorma kaukonen-another mans done gone

ellen mcillwaine-down so low

harry manx-lay down my worries

john mayall-sensitive kind

chris whitley-radar

matt good-weapon

doors-the wasp

hip-the luxury


ub40-1 in 10 dub

marley peter tosh bunny wailer-Downpressor Man  

toots-living in the ghetto

Fundraising is starting up so go here to help us out.

Thanks from the crew

A tyrant pawn is in place next door.  Welcome to the Apocalypse.  It’s not my first.

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts & analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” Thomas Sowell

download my shows here

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 2.06 SAT. Nov. 2/24 12am

Reggae to start us up tonight ok?  

You know going through all that time in the sixties when you maybe got a bag that was half seeds from your local seller to now when you can light up a spliff of government approved and taxed pot is quite a big step.

Lots of people went to jail so you can sit there and enjoy some tunes.  If you can, apply for a parole tomorrow. Do it. It’s your right.

Download the shows here from my dropbox account.

I hope.

This weeks recommended movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson.  They don’t want you to see this.

A twisted version of a pulp song.

A sixteen year old girl that sounds old and wise.

“Great sorrows cannot speak”. John Donne

Looking for some slam poets to submit their spoken words.  If you can take a minute and give wisdom I want to put it in the show.  Short and sweet like a razor fight in a dark room type of thing.

This weeks recommended site    nice selection of modern art

All this and ska too!

gregory isaacs-night nurse 

rob symeonn-chosen one

leroy sibbles-garden of life

senya-children of the ghetto

jj cale-right down here

taj mahal-she caught the katy   

dr john-jump sturdy

tom waits-till the money runs out   

jam-running on the spot


william shatner and joe jackson-common people

carter usm-twenty minutes to tulse hill. 

pearl jam-yellow ledbetter


stevie ray vaughan-little wing

tracy nelson-trust no man

tracy nelson-candy man

tracy nelson-rambin man

tracy nelson-jesus met the woman

tracy nelson-long old road

tracy nelson-house of the rising sun

morcheeba-never an easy way 

massive attack-blue lines

burning spear-the ghost 

bunch of believers-mission trip

selector-on my radio 91

bad manners-wooly bully

ska dows-yes yes yes

beat- tears of a clown live


download my shows here



From punky power pop to symphonic interpretations of Philip Glass all in two hours.  Only here at no crap.

Glimpse of the true face of slum level poverty just next road over on Beasley St, a call out to King Selasse, proof Iggy won’t never die and complex rhythm patterns from the desert.

A mid career billy holiday and the same song done by Kelly lee Evens with a Louis Jorden for fun. From sometime in the fifties (lots of his music developed into rock and roll believe it or not).

This weeks movie.  THX 1138 with Robert Duvall.  The Future is Here.

Coming soon.  The bestest news.  Yup, all internet fresh and mostly believable.  Honest.

This weeks recommended site.  Wisdom in one or two sentences.  A fascinating technique for increasing intelligence is by reading a quote a day.

Your greatest weapon is your enemy’s mind.  Buddha

I’ve been creative all of my life and it feels nice being back here at the station doing creative stuff.  Artists are usually more concerned with being creative than having money.

Lets go…

Bowie – look back in anger

Peaches – search and destroy

Call – turn a blind eye

X – identity

YYY – tick

Chris Spedding – hurt by love

Beat generation – highway 61

Bob Segar – nutbush city limits

Steve ray Vaughan – if the house is rockin

Colin James – breaking up the house. 

David Wilcox – hot hot papa.

Jerry Lee Lewis – rock and roll

John Cooper Clarke – Beasley st.

Graham Parker – Here it comes again

Johnny Cash – won’t back down

Augustus Pablo – Chant to King Selassi

Black uhuru – dreadlock pallbearer

Heptones – cool rasta

Muslimgauze – Bhutto

Empty quarter – Black Sage

Eric Random – one mans trash.

Loop guru – Soulless

Oscar Peterson – baby ain’t I good to you

Billy Holiday – love me or leave me 

Louis Jorden – is you is or is you ain’t my baby

Kelly lee evans – love me or leave me 

Album leaf – outer banks

Moby – look back in

Bjork – hyper ballad

Cure – to wish impossible things

In the Nursery – Judgement of Paris

Kronos Quartet – 2 short Philip Glass pieces from Mishima

Lastly, fundraising time is coming up and as always if you can donate your cash, ides or time we would appreciate it.  We’re not here without you.

“The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true.”  Oppenheimer

download my shows here

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.37 Oct. 19/24

Lots of versions tonight. Ramones doing psychedelia, paranoid ska and some big band jazz.

This is only my third show and I’ve got a few in the can but if you’d like to give me some ideas for the music you want just let me know at  and I’ll do my best.

Some of the sources I’ve taken music from might not be the best sonically (esp 78s) but really lots of this stuff you just can’t find anymore.

This weeks site  it is very good for finding and pricing all that wonderful vinyl you’re sitting on.

This weeks recommended movie. Surviving the Game with Ice T.  The problem with hunting the underclass is that they always prove smarter and tougher than you think.  Always.  Revenge is sweet.

Coming soon.  I’m going to be posting my shows for download on a dropbox account.  That way you can keep all this great stuff you’re hearing.  Link will be posted here.

Tonight featuring my favourite jazz diva.

And the skasters are hanging around waiting for the end of the world.

Show 3 Ver. 1.37  Oct 19/24

harry manx-voodoo child

j hammond-219

t waits-till the money runs out

mavis staples-eye on the prize. 


blues project-you can’t catch me

butterfield blues band -shake your money maker

g thorogood-cocaine blues

sadies-little sadie

animals-cc rider.  

diodes-shape of things to come

999-emergency live 12′ single

adverts-gary gilmores eyes

godfathers-birth, school, work, death

ramones-journey to the centre of the mind

electric prunes-I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night   

mustard plug-mr. smiley


skankaroos-this is Ska


ruder than you-Paranoid (Black Sabbath Ska Cover)   

bruce cockburn-deja vu

ralph towner-track 17

steve hunter-of all the times to leave

durruti column-all that love and maths can do   

dinah washington – How Deep Is The Ocean

dinah washington – There’ll Be Some Changes Made (1955)

dinah washington – since i fell for you

dinah washington – lets fall in love

dinah washington – Ain’t misbehaving

spk-in flagrant delicto

lisa gerrard-persian love song

david sylvain-nostalgia. 

“Though lovers be lost, love shall not.” – Dylan Thomas

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.27 Oct. 12/24

I am shedding the skin I’m in.  Becoming someone new.  I can’t control it.  Being human.

A man of Faith.  Or Zany Zealotry, I don’t know which.  Don’t care…

You become smarter if you listen to music.  Especially if you’ve never heard it before.  A 5 minute song by Coltrane can contain as much genius as a book by Dylan Thomas or a picture from Picasso.

Tonight some jazz from the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, a twisted Dylan cover and the immortal Nina Simone!  A one hit wonder, a struggle for pleasure and the skasters stop by.

This weeks site.  It could be your child.

If you want normal go somewhere else.

Movie recommendation  Book of Eli with Denzel Washington

Contact me at

Coming soon. ROBOT NEWS!  

Shows will be available as a download soon on Dropbox.

Show 2 Ver. 1.27  Oct. 12/24

specials-little bitch

urge-dark age

bunch of believers- it’s a ska world

beat-twist and crawl

riffs-peter gunn

king crimson-discipline

bowie-secret life of arabia


dirty dozen brass band-inner city blues

nat adderly-hummin

eddie harris-listen here

c nuts-cars.  

champs-my spirit is broken 

felt-mexican bandits

bunnymen-lips like sugar

smiths-what difference does it make. 

cream-born under a bad sign

hendrix-hey joe

frigid pink-house of the rising sun

xtc-all along the watchtower. 

nina simone-seems i’m never tired of loving you

style council-paris match

weather report-a remark you made. 

soft verdict-struggle for pleasure

Game of thrones soundtrack

linda shumas-the ruins

Bruce Cockburn-roll on silver wheels


“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.”


no crap radio ver. 1.03

Hiya.  Welcome to the reblast!

I’m back.

More scars but earned with honour.

Still standing.

Meaner than yesterday.

no crap radio survives in new versions.  i’ve spent the last dozen years collecting music.

you’re going to hear lots of it.  the amazing legacy that brilliant people have given us astounds me.  

i’ve been playing music for 45 years and still find new genius in sometimes the simplest melody.

An unbroken language that has defined our humanness.  The brilliance of a trumpet player in the 1930’s can be as inspired as a folk singer from the 60s or a dub artist of the 2000s.

I’m running everyday as I have heard Buddha is just over the next hill and I want to walk in his shadow.    I earned the karma.

Not yet an ex hippie.

This weeks recommended site.

“The fear of death is more to be feared than death itself.”  Publius Syrus   a roman slave

Every week I promise you music you’ve never heard before along with lots of good stuff from 100 years of recorded sound.   To me thelonious monk is the same as moby who’s the same as dylan who’s the same as prince.  So… jazz, dub, folk, ambient, ska, punk, reggae and more styles than you’ve ever heard. music that mirrors it’s time.

Stuff like this:


Show 1 Ver. 1.03. Oct. 5/24

Irma Thomas. –  soul of a man

Jackson Delta    my mistake

Chris Whitley    Dust radio 

Brian Eno    by this river 

Japan    width of a room

King Crimson    two hands

Single Gun Theory    wild blue seas

Muslimgauze    bhutto

Matt Good    Alabama Motel Room

Hunters and Collectors    scream who

Nine inch Nails    dead souls

Wild Wax Combo    hot rod from hell

Rockabilly Aces    wild wild moman

Blazing Haley    Train to nowhere

Killer Brew    I fell in love

Go getters    blitzkrieg bop

Offspring    the kids aren’t alright

Demics  – 400 blows

Eddie and the hotrods  – quit this town

Angelikc Upstarts  – I’m an upstart

Alberto los trios paranoias  – kill

Burning spear – Marcus Garvey

Heptons – suffering so

Melodians – river of Babylon

Johnny Clarke – move on to Babylon 

Wailing souls – jah give his life

Ike & tina – 3 o’clock in the morning

T bone walker – stormy Monday 

Willy Dixon – seventh son

Albert king – Born under a bad sign

Nostalgia 11    7 nation army

Said baba talibah    revolution

Merry Clayton  – gimme shelter

“Do  not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”


No Crap Radio

(CKMS sunflower logo on teal background with rounded corners)no crap radio with pj

photographer, strategist, warrior.
can slay dragons.
exploring 100 years of musical accomplishments.
dub, rock, folk, punk, psychedelia, jazz, world and of course the blues.
intelligent conversation and social commentary occasionally.

meaner than before…

challenge yourself.

the last voice of freedom.

get my shows here.

No Crap Radio returns to the CKMS-FM schedule on Saturday 5 October 2024, airing every Saturday from Midnight to 2:00am with a #Replay on Tuesdays from 9:00pm to 11:00pm.

Recent Episodes

NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.37a REBLAST Feb. 18/25 9PM   The Revolution will be broadcast here. Lots of versions tonight. Ramones doing psychedelia, paranoid ska and some big band jazz. You can hear my current shows Friday nights at midnight. If you’d like to give me some ideas for the music you want just let me know at  and I’ll do my best. … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.37a REBLAST Feb. 18/25 9PM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.14 FEB. 15/25 12 AM K Pop free zone elon-musk-as-tesla-20-the-legacy How did we get here:  our-new-pandemic-moral-cowardice sleepwalking_into_tyranny_how_power_is_silently_being_seized ignorance is bliss Coming soon!  Celebrity family food battle.  The newest American tv show.  With token Canadian Howie Mandel!! Bar the gates. I’m starting to sell the last of my record collection.  Got about six crates of vinyl to go through. The … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.14 FEB. 15/25 12 AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.27 TUE. FEB 11/25 REBLAST 9PM I am shedding the skin I’m in.  Becoming someone new.  I can’t control it.  Being human. A man of Faith.  Or Zany Zealotry, I don’t know which.  Don’t care… You become smarter if you listen to music.  Especially if you’ve never heard it before.  A 5 minute song by Coltrane can contain as much genius … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.27 TUE. FEB 11/25 REBLAST 9PM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.05 FEB. 8/25 12AM A fence with concertina wire is going up in the states.  A fence has two sides. The biggest jerk in that circle of billionaires that are now consuming the states wants to move into the building.  Bad enough he lives just over there.  Don’t open the door.  Shhh.  Turn off the lights… Jigsaw Planet … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 5.05 FEB. 8/25 12AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.03 Reblast TUE. 9PM Hiya.  Welcome to the reblast! I’m back. More scars but earned with honour. Still standing. Meaner than yesterday. no crap radio survives in new versions.  i’ve spent the last dozen years collecting music. you’re going to hear lots of it.  the amazing legacy that brilliant people have given us astounds me.   i’ve been playing … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 1.03 Reblast TUE. 9PM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.99 FEB. 1/25 12 AM Download:, 1h59m59s, 164 MB Subscribe to my podcast: No Crap Radio podcast everything I do is a self portrait An unfortunate truth is that revolution is never a passive act. Trump wants to not tax tips.  So now businesses can pay a lot less and we become the arbiters of a wage slaves existence.  … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.99 FEB. 1/25 12 AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.97 JAN. 25 12AM about that matter of the coming of the four horsemen… Listen to the show.  Lotsa good stuff. Wisdom for free.   The exposure of the human soul. Quote this week. “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”  V for Vendetta Go to my dropbox address to save the … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.97 JAN. 25 12AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.96 Jan. 18/25 12AM Almost all versions.  It happens. A couple of glory boxes. Very rare mid sixties toronto rock. Movie recommendation this week, Blue Velvet by David Lynch.  David died yesterday.  This particular movie builds on his edgy sexually charged explorations into human motivation (like twin peaks).  Set in a small midwestern town it is a classic noir … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.96 Jan. 18/25 12AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.92 JAN. 11/24 12AM WARNING! AI CONTENT. The top paid Canadian ceo last year made 68.5 million dollars. How ’bout you?  Learn your place prole. Hey! Mingus. An Annie Lennox profile, old blues and still more waiting for the man. This weeks website. Videos of Pinky and the Brain Fan Site  And they say us geniuses ain’t got no … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.92 JAN. 11/24 12AM
NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.74 JAN. 4/25 12AM I feel as if I am all the music I’ve ever heard and I’m taking it with me to heaven.  Fills me, fills me.  Humbled. Trump has just nominated a Florida car dealer as the ambassador to Portugal.  That should work out.  Sounds good to me. Recommended movie of the week. Meeting With Remarkable Men.  … Continue reading NO CRAP RADIO VER. 4.74 JAN. 4/25 12AM

See all previous episodes .

No Crap Radio is Back on the Air!!!

so i’m back with yet more no crap radio


wednesday nights 7-9
uglier than before…
listen if you dare


last week’s playlist:

rem- i’m gonna dj
j jackson- i’m the man
zepplin- rock and roll
angelic upstarts- i’m an upstart
clash- white riot demo
rancid- the harder they come
toots- start me up
riffs- peter gunn
bim skala bim- rain
busters- taste of honey
manx and brier- voodoo child
j hammond- 219
t waits- till the money runs out
mavis staples- eye on the prize
lisa gerrard- persian love song
delerium- innocente
loop guru- caravan
autumn leaf- outer banks
charlie parker- kansas city blues
ernie andrews- since i fell for you
oscar peterson- baby ain’t i good to you
nina simone- love me or leave me
r gallagher- don’t start me talkin
j mayall- dust my broom
j winter- rollin and tumbling
butterfield blues band- got my mojo working
c musselwhite- make my getaway