Tag Archives: human evolution

CKMS News -2024-08-08- Kitchener based playwright presenting double-bill at Guelph Fringe festival

CKMSNews-2024-08-08-Kitchener based playwright presenting double-bill at Guelph Fringe festival

dan kellar
Kitchener –
Kitchener based playwright Ciarán Meyers is presenting a double bill at Guelph Fringe, his debut at the local theater festival.  According to Meyers, the two short plays, Hum-Buzz and Amygdalal  take a “goofy—sometimes biting—view of human evolution, how we got here, and what we are”.

Recent UW theater graduate Zaniq King is featured in both plays, which are polished versions of works Meyers has been developing for several years in more informal settings..

The Guelph Fringe festival runs from August 8-11 with 45 total performances. Meyers’ will have 3 show times for Hum-Buzz and Amygdala, one on each of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Visit GuelphFringe.ca for more information.