Spiritual Machines & OK Computer – The Robot Apocalypse

Last weekend on Mano A Mano – Concept Album I was given the theme “Robot Apocalypse” by Mano Amigo Brenda. After just finishing a whole Robot Apocalypse series where I feature collaborating artists from Robot Apocalypse, I decided to not play this album again but instead find other albums that fit this theme.

The two that I found just so happened to be AMAZING concept albums in their own right not and could be featured even if I did not have the constraints of a “Robot Apocalypse” theme. First we hear my favourite Our Lady Peace album “Spiritual Machine”. I’m not sure if this album resonates with me because I was reading this book at the same time of the album release or if the music is just so good that it is obviously that it should be my favourite.

The second album was a request by DJ Mattador. He suggested that I play literally any album by Radiohead. His preference was “The Bends” however due to the theme restriction I went with OK computer. This is probably the most genre breaking of all their albums and where a definitive shift in their music can be heard.

If you have an album that you think should be added to the mosaic contact us on twitter or instagram: @mamradio


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