listen to the Daily GRRR!:
The Daily GRRR!
HEADLINES for July 10, 2014
1. Tar Sands Contaminates Food and People
2. CNRL Fails Again
3. Grassy Narrows Trappers Case Decision Tomorrow
4. Fracking Spills
5. Toronto Bees
6. Kitchener’s High-Tech Agenda
7. Linux Filed Under Extremist
8. Hiding of Heartbleed Spurs Lawsuit
9. Sanctioned Banana-peeling
Welcome, I am your host Rachel Avery and you are listening to The Daily GRRR! In/Security Edition on 100.3fm, CKMS in Waterloo, Ontario, on the web. Today is July 10, 2014.
We are broadcasting from the centre of the …read more
From: Daily GRRR