Category Archives: Interzone

In Memoriam – Nash The Slash – March 26 – May 10 2014

(Nash The Slash in his bandages stage costume playing his white electric violin)
In Memoriam Nash the Slash

This week on Interzone a three-hour tribute to one-of-a-kind musician Nash the Slash who passed away two years ago on May 10  2014.

In this podcast  there are snippets of chats that he did for the various shows we worked on together from Thrash, and Nosferatu to Two Artists – with his good pal Toronto surrealist artist Robert Vanderhorst.  I have countless golden and silver ink autographed CDs and other presents that he gave me over the years.  We had a lot of laughs working on those shows.

It took me two years to do this because I guess it was hard to hear Nash’s voice once more along with so much of his music from covers like The Who’s Baba O’Riley and The Animals’ It’s My Life and Iron Butterfly’s In a Gadda Da Vida  to timeless originals like Vincent’s Crows, Swingshift and his masterful rendition of Wolf from Peter and The Wolf.

He did many chats over the years at CKMS and was always a champion for campus/community radio.

I went to Nash’s memorial which was held in one of his fave places Stratenger’s  where he loved to eat the curry and play his famous Halloween Show .

There I spoke with Cam Hawkins and Mike Waite from FM, plus many of his friends and finally Nash’s brother Tom Plewman. I miss my bandaged pal, like so many do.  I hope that he has been reunited with beloved doggles Roxy and Digger, and found many a musical friend to  rant with.  Never fear Nash. I always Listen in Safety. Hugs Squeekee

interzone-2016-05-11-Nash-The-Slash.mp3, 174.8 MB, 3h02m04s

Selina Martin – Aural Visionary


Selina Martin courtesy of Jason Schneider Media
Selina Martin courtesy of Jason Schneider Media

A Wide-ranging Fun Fone Chat with Toronto- based singer/songwriter/ aural visionary Selina Martin from her early Send In the Cows Daze to her latest album “Caruso’s Brain”.. what do Selina and Caruso know that we don’t? 

Tune in and find out.

On today’s playlist – Selections from Selina’s latest album including ; My Heart Ticks On, Hawaii, Your Secrets Sleep With Me, Bike, Living in a Window, Lay Down Your Arms. Wish List, plus just for fun Five Hole – Tales of Hockey Erotica, (Nate Mills ( RWTK)  cult classic gem) The Orillia Song, and some Run with the Kittens songs (because Nate Mills and Run with the Kittens are also performing with Selina in concert tonight at The KW Boathouse).

Listen this Wednesday from 4 to 7 pm as Interzone presents a three- hour feature with more great music inspired from this chat.  Squeekee. 

Interzone – David Bowie Part 2 – From L to Z, Blackstar and Beyond

Bowie Part 2Interzone is on every Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 7pm. And it is brought to you by Far Out Flicks, Encore Records, Lookin’ for Heroes, Starlight, The KW Boathouse, Cafe Pyrus,  The Blue Moon Restaurant and The Guitar Corner with all the latest January info!

Today – David Bowie Part 2 – From M to Z  Blackstar and Beyond… Squooches to all the Bowie fans from Squeekee Subversive.




Interzone with Squeekee Subversive



David Robert JOnes aka David Bowie Jan 8 1947- Jan 16 2016

Hello Everyone.

Wecome to “Interzone” with your host  Squeekee Subversive – same bat channel, same sponsors with music and interviews.

In lieu of this past very sad week, I decided to do a career retrospect of David Bowie from A to Z as I have most of his musical catalogue.

I begin with A to L, and I will leave Blackstar and Lazarus til the end. Just like he did. This is my way of saying goodbye  to an artist who is as dear to me as John Lennon. I hope they are hanging out together now as Blackstars.

Goodbye David Robert Jones Jan 8 1947 – Jan 10 2016.


Squeekee Subversive


Genre: Anything I feel like
Host(s): Squeeky Submersive
Time: Alternate Wednesdays from 11:00am to 2:00pm

twitter: @coralfm

Far Out Flicks, Cafe Pyrus, KW Boathouse, Encore Records, Starlight, Lookin’ for Heroes, Starlight Social Club, The Blue Moon Restaurant