Hey pj, how did you get so smart? https://musicbrainz.org
Have to tell everyone around here that I’ve been very impressed with the quality of music that the djs put out. Isn’t it refreshing to be treated as intelligent adults as opposed a commodity that can’t wait for the next big thing to be played by Pete and Brenda in the morning or the rocking drive time with Dave in the afternoon? God I hate the corporate conglomerates that control mostly everything. And radio stars. Have I mentioned how I Hate radio stars?
We’ve got some fundraising going on right now so keep listening and contact us if you can help out.
Looking for slam poets to give me some insight in a minute and a half. Send me an mp3 of your abstract wisdom and i’l try to get it on the air. Gotta have the strength to tell the truth.
“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know“. Donald Rumsfeld
This weeks movie. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. Staring Peter Weller. Great Sci-fi satire. Campy, action packed, steam punky. It’s on TUBI streaming. Over the top fun! Lectroids from Planet 10 by way of the 8th dimension…
Swing blues to open up tonight. Some early big band blues
k biscuit boy-let the good times roll
powder blues-cooking with the blues
j turner-corina corina
percy mayfield-would you call me a fool
little walter-oh baby
rem-i’ll take the rain
a lennox-why live
l cohen-ain’t no cure
catherine wheel-fripp
black violin-triumph
Bauhaus-she’s in parties
gyptian-serious times
rico-love and justice
paragons-the tide is high
wailing souls-mother and child reunion
r havens-sad eyed lady of the lowland
t chapman-telling stories
j osbourne-st. teresa
jefferson airplane-crushinggura
throbbing gristle-20 jazz funk greats
Gurrella welfare-i left
Architect-les pensees
Moby-look back in
Moby-we are all made of stars
Moby-lift me up
Moby-one of these mornings
Download the shows here from my dropbox account. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/qwqeyu6i980e81efoxtaa/AAgRoQnNRX8RckBoeV_RV0Q?rlkey=41vdpfemwtd4dwyjirjfzao5g&dl=0
I hope. Will get direct link to here figured out soon.