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everything I do is a self portrait
An unfortunate truth is that revolution is never a passive act.
Trump wants to not tax tips. So now businesses can pay a lot less and we become the arbiters of a wage slaves existence. It will put billions of moolah into the pockets of our betters. Medieval evil. Gotta give it to ‘em. Old tactics are the best tactics.
Songs of denial. Songs of Redemption. Songs of hope. Some you can dance to. Accapella Nico!
Quote for today
“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” e.e. cummings
This weeks movie. Straw Dogs. Directed by Peckinpaw with his trademark graphic violence. Mild mannered Dustin Hoffman strikes back at his wife’s rapists but gets caught up in the cycle of insanity of a quiet local English village. Complex interwoven story lines and it begs the question of retribution.
Now you might not think it but I’ve been told I’m a bit abrasive and shouldn’t point out the truth. It’s not my job to make the truth palatable.
This weeks web site recommendation: featuring the writing of one of the most brilliant women on the net, Cynthia Chung. An astounding range of topics that dissect history and politics into wonderful stories featuring complex interrelationships that resonate through history. You can get her free stuff sent to you or support her sub stack pages. This is the second time I have recommended her work. That’s how good it is. She makes me feel slow and stupid because her writing is so well researched.
Lots of contrariness. Yeah, I’m like that. Don’t care. lkj, phil oaks, an angry lightfoot cover.
A really good opener from a Grammy nominated Memphis based band called Southern Avenue. And i don’t impress easily. Good luck!
southern avenue-rum boogie. (New)
otis spann-i wonder why
ping rose-careful for what you wish for. (New)
phil ochs-in the heat of the summer
hip-black day in july (can)
billy bragg-it says here
lkj-sonny’s letter
p tosh-get up stand up
anthony b-slavery
black uhuru-dreadlock pall bearers
nico-all tomorrows parties
morphine-take me with you
tom waits-sweet little bullet
cesaria evora-sodade
paul simon-further to fly
bruce cockburn-silver wheels (can)
test dept-red dust
idiom colleagues-travels beyond (can)
robyn hitchcock-pit of souls
modern lovers-pablo picasso
patty smith-rock n’ roll niger
jim carrol-people who’ve died
english beat-tears of a clown
specials-little bitch
ska p-ni fu ni fa. (Spanish)
Live your life with unforgiving passion. It’s tough but worth it.
Keep your sense of Humour.
Google is changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Boy, that looks a lot like 1984 doesn’t it.
Told you so…
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