Tag Archives: Sharon Jones

CKMS Community Connections for 22 January 2024: Bob & Yenny interview with DJ Jordan & “Through the Static”

Download: ckms-community-connections-2024-01-22-episode149-DJ-Jordan-Through-The-Static.mp3 (55 MB, 1h00m02s)

DJ Jordan with Through the Static, on Wednesdays at 9 PM til 10 PM and replay on Saturdays at 1 PM til 2 PM. Bob and I enjoyed our chat with DJ Jordan, who puts in a lot of thought to her shows and is a genuine music lover, spinning her vinyls.

DJ Jordan is currently an undergraduate student at University of Waterloo, and CCC is looking forward to following up on Monday, March 11th, in studio, with Jordan and her professor.  A conversation that will conclude  during the week of March 18th, and exhibit held at UW.

Thank you DJ Jordan!

Throughout the hour, Bob played Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings.

Bonus Video

YouTube: (1) CKMS Community Connections for 22 January 2024 with Jordan Kalist of Through The Static

Through The Static (black letters on a background of B&W television static, with a sound waveform running between the words)

CKMS 102.7 FM Radio Waterloo | Community Connections | Monday 11am-Noon, Friday 3pm-4pm (sunflower logo on the left, black and purple lettering on a teal background to the right and below)