A close up picture of two banners with spruce trees and blue skies with a few clouds in the upper background. The dark blue banner has white text "Arms Embargo Now" and a white banner has the red text "Boycott! Disclose! Divest!" beside a reproduction of UWaterloo's logo, with the coat of arms in dripping red paint, and the circle around reading "Occupy University of Waterloo - Divest from Genocide" Tents are visible in the background beneath the banners.

CKMS News -2024-05-14- Gaza solidarity encampment launched at the University of Waterloo

CKMS News -2024-05-14- Gaza Solidarity Encampment Launched At the University of Waterloo

by: dan kellar

Waterloo – Dozens of people converged at the University of Waterloo’s main campus on Monday morning to launch a Gaza solidarity encampment. The group’s “OccupyUWaterloo” Instagram page calls the encampment “Gaza House”

The group says the university is complicit in the current siege on Palestinians by the Israeli military, which has resulted in over 35,000 people dead, tens of thousands more injured or missing, and the majority destruction of Gazan infrastructure, including all universities and hospitals. The group is calling for divestment from weapons manufacturers and institutions which support the occupation of Palestine, and “an end to UW’s financial and academic ties to the genocidal and apartheid state of Israel.”

These demands share similarities from the demands from encampments set up at over a dozen other universities in Canada.

This show features an interview with Gaza House encampment spokesperson Nick Joseph. Also included is the statement UW provided, and Waterloo mayor Dorothy McCabe reacting to the encampment.


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