Tag Archives: COVID19

CKMS News -2025-01-09- New mental health tool accessible for youth in Ontario

CKMS News -2025-01-09- New accessible mental health tool for youth in Ontario

dan kellar
Ontario – 
A recent report highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a decline in mental health in Canada. The Canadian Mental Health Association’s State of Mental Health in Canada 2024 report shows 26% of people reported “poor” or “fair” mental health in 2021, up from 8.9% in 2019. 

The report, which was released in November 2024 revealed that “2.5 million people with mental health needs in Canada reported that they weren’t getting adequate care”.

One initiative to help address mental health care is “One Stop Talk”, which “provides immediate access to mental health services, when they’re needed, wherever they’re needed.” The service, which launched in the fall of 2024, and is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, is free to access and is available for youth up to 18 years of age. 

In Waterloo Region, Camino Wellbeing and Mental-health are One Stop Talk partners, but were unavailable for an interview. 

This show features an interview with Robert Royer, the Vice President of strategy for Strides Toronto, a mental health and development support organization and a leading partner of the One Stop Talk initiative.

CKMS-FM Studio Re-opening on Monday, 18 October 2021

Bob Jonkman, Jeff Stager, and Brian Doucet in the studio at the microphones
Bob Jonkman, Jeff Stager, and Brian Doucet
Good news! With the new ventilation system installed, the CKMS-FM studio is re-opening! Starting on Monday, 18 October 2021 you’ll be able to hear your favourite DJs and show hosts directly from our studios again.

There are still a few restrictions in effect — there will be no in-studio guests, but phone and web conference interviews can be held with studio equipment.

DJs and show hosts can check details for studio re-opening to see what they need to do before returning (login required for that link).

Welcome back, everyone!

CKMS News – 2021-08-09 – Working through hesitancy to bring residents together at the Waterloo Night Market

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Host: Krista Henry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on how people live their lives. How we work, shop, conduct business and experience entertainment have been transformed. As we continue to emerge from long-periods of restrictions, organizations such as the Uptown Waterloo Business Improvement Area are trying to re-ignite the passion for coming together again for events that bring people together in a real way. Tracy Van Kalsbeek executive director of the UWBIA speaks about bringing people back to uptown.

Events are vital in the country’s economic recovery and the mental wellness of countless community members. However is there hesitancy in going back to normal with events? We explore the importance of such events and speak with Waterloo resident Sarah about comfort in participating in the community as COVID-19 restrictions ease.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca.


CKMS NEWS – 2021-08-09 – In Conversation with Fitsum Areguy on finding a rhythm as a journalist during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Host: Shalaka Jadhav

Fitsum Areguy is a Black activist and writer who grew up in Kitchener. He draws on years of experience as a community worker and advocate for youth rights and disability justice. Voted Waterloo Region’s ‘Best Local Writer’ in 2020, he has published in Canadian Dimension, The Waterloo Region Record, Briarpatch Magazine, The Community Edition, and Korea Expose. His interests focus on human rights, misuses of power, and community development, connecting local stories to provincial, national, and global issues through reporting and analysis.  Fitsum is also the co-founder and project director of Textile, a literary publication and writing mentorship program, where Fitsum and I work together.  

As the pandemic has impacted workers across every and any industry, we talked about the importance of upholding the complexity of local stories, finding a rhythm as a journalist during the pandemic, and of course, the launch of InsideWaterloo, an independent media initiative publishing investigative and personal stories of identity and belonging not otherwise covered by traditional media in Waterloo Region.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca.

Music for this episode was courtesy of Dylan Prowse.

CKMS News -2021-08-05 – Impacts of COVID-19 on women in the workforce

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Host: Krista Henry

Recent numbers released fromStatistics Canada indicated that 1.5 million women in Canada lost their jobs during the first 2 months of the pandemic. This led to unemployment rates as high as 20% among women, compared to13% among their male counterparts. 

The YWCA Canada has since developed a Feminist Recovery Plan which emphasizes that women’s rights and gender equity could see the biggest rollback if left unchecked. 

Rosalind Gunn, Director of Marketing and Communications of the YWCA Cambridge and Jennifer Gordon, Director of Advocacy at YW Kitchener-Waterloo discuss the impacts of the global pandemic their organizations have seen on women in the workplace in the Waterloo region.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the

Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca.

CKMS News – 2021-07-15 – Impacts on tourism from COVID19 and the start of recovery in Waterloo Region

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Host: Namish Modi

This piece features an interview with Explore Waterloo Region CEO Minto Schneider. In the interview, we touch on how hard the tourism sector has been affected throughout the past 17 months and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Several hospitality and tourism places, like museums and theme parks haven’t been fully open for two summers now. Schneider discusses the importance of Step 3 in Ontario, which begins on July 16, as well as touches on just how important health and safety protocols continue to be. 

Schneider doesn’t have an estimate on financial losses over the last year due to COVID, but imagines it is very high. 

Many businesses were initially upset about Waterloo Region being held in step two of Ontario’s reopening, but further understood the reasoning. The region was held back in the province’s reopening because of a number of Delta variant virus cases in the area. 

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca

CKMS News – 2021-06-10 – Discussing mental health and the pandemic

Host: Sherice Alishaw

During this global pandemic, stress levels in our communities has risen. Many Individuals in the community that are already struggling with their mental health, are now having a hard time coping with the added stress and anxiety. 

On this episode of CKMS News, we interview a community member, Kelly Maeve, who is diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) and discuss how the pandemic has affected our mental health.

Kelly also speaks about some of the strategies she has employed as the pandemic has progressed.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant project and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca

CKMS News – 2021-06-09 – Speaking with Mike Schreiner about outdoor access equity, borders, and vaccine rollout in Ontario

Host: Namish Modi

In this piece, we spoke to Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner about the importance of outdoor spaces amid COVID-19. This piece is a follow-up to our outdoor play piece from last week, featuring the importance of minor sport and outdoor play.

Schreiner, an MPP in Guelph, argues that campsites should be open, and should have been open all the time. He says that if people are allowed to travel to cottages, families should be able to travel to campsites and pitch a tent. 

Schreiner says that the Ontario Government hasn’t listened to advice from the science table in terms of their restrictions. 

In addition, the piece involves topics such as the country’s borders, as well as the national and provincial vaccine rollout. 

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca

CKMS News – 2021-05-31 – Outdoor play, team sports, and the pandemic

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Host: Namish Modi

Our piece features interviews with Kitchener Minor Baseball president Ron Moiebrook and research manager from Outdoor Play Canada Louise de’Lannoy. 

Moiebrook shared his plans for a return to play for its leagues. The league ran both its rep and house leagues in 2020 with a shortened season. The interview took place on May 19, prior to the Ontario provincial government’s reopening announcement on May 20. 

Moiebrook said that he’s hoping for a much more complete season in 2021. Under Ontario’s reopening plans, outdoor sports could return in June. Safety protocols will be in place, while smaller leagues and a lower amount of travel are probably as players take the field again. Thus far, registration for the summer season is a bit slower, but Moiebrook expects that could pick up when there is more certainty on plans.

de Lannoy says that outdoor spaces are more important than ever, amid the pandemic. She is pleased that the outdoor spaces were slated to reopen as Victoria Day weekend began but believes most of those spaces shouldn’t have closed in the first place. 

Those outdoor spaces are supremely important, especially for those who may not have access to green space. 

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca

CKMS News – 2021-03-18 – Waterloo Region Weekly Roundup 8

Host: Melissa Bowman

In this episode we’ll hear updates on the community working group on the vaccine rollout and the latest decisions at this month’s Regional Council meeting. Kitchener had some committee meetings on March 8th and we’ll take a closer look at their discussions on the Regional Official Plan review and how it could impact Kitchener specifically. It wouldn’t be a Waterloo Region Weekly Round-up episode if we didn’t discuss housing, so I’ll share a bit from the Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation’s recent Do More Good Dialogue on the Intersection of Housing and Race.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca

CKMS News – 2020-12-24 – Reflecting on 2020 in Kitchener-Centre with MPP Laura Mae Lindo

Host: Shalaka Jadhav

Adapting, evolving, and bringing attention to the importance of rebuilding, Member of Provincial Parliament Laura Mae Lindo, representing Kitchener Centre as a member of the Ontario New Democratic Party, spoke to key moments in 2020. 

She speaks to the year’s accomplishments for her office, including forwarding Bill 196, Seniors’ Advocate Act, 2020, which would move to establish a seniors’ advocate as an independent, non-partisan officer of the Ontario legislature, “fueled by the amazing work of frontline healthcare workers… and on a personal note… how important it is to me to care for our elders, who brought us everything, are holders of such wisdom”. 

Laura Mae is also proud of the End Police Violence policy paper, the importance of which was echoed by the marching of over 20 thousand community members in support for the movement for Black lives. Laura Mae notes the challenges with navigating the pandemic as a new politician, reflecting on key turning points for Kitchener-Centre, including how the pandemic has allowed for emergent conversations around equity, particularly anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism.

Her message to constituents includes reflecting on how we may have grown through this year, and to build gratefulness amongst the chaos.


From the Office of Laura Mae Lindo, MPP Kitchener Centre:

“Laura Mae Lindo, Member of Provincial Parliament for Kitchener Centre, is a respected activist and educator who holds both a Masters and PhD in Education. Her commitment to building inclusive communities both within and outside of educational environments is grounded in her knowledge of how to put anti-oppression theories into practice.

Laura Mae is a knowledgeable advocate for the rights of women and girls, a respected ally to marginalized community members, and, most importantly, a courageous public speaker on issues often left unaddressed in the mainstream. Laura Mae is the Official Opposition Critic for Anti-Racism, and Citizenship and Immigration.

The Leader of the Official Opposition appointed her as Chair of Official Opposition’s first Black Caucus, to collaborate with Black communities and allies to address systemic anti-Black racism in Ontario.”  

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

Check out the archived versions of  this program and other episodes on radiowaterloo.ca/news., and other stories commissioned under the Local Journalism Initiative at canada-info.ca.

You can  follow us on twitter @RadioWaterloo. If you want to get in touch with comments, or ideas about stories to cover, email us at news@radiowaterloo.ca.

Music for this episode was courtesy of Dylan Prowse.

CKMS News – 2020-05-14 – Bank Garnishes Government Assistance to Local Anti-Poverty Advocate

Host: Ivan Angelovski

Listen Here:

After receiving her social assistance last month, Regan Sunshine Brussé (@ReganBrusse), a local advocate for the poor, and currently unemployed single mother of three, looked into her bank account, to find it almost empty. Scotiabank, garnisheed the only funds she and her kids had left to handle the pandemic.

“Technically they’re in the right to be doing what they’re doing, according to our current laws.” Brussé said. After being contacted about the issue Scotia bank did return the funds to Regan’s account.

On this episode of CKMS News, we discuss impacts of COVID-19 on people who are on social assistance or otherwise have a low monthly income. We also speak about what banks and the various levels of government are doing to ease these impacts.

Along with Regan Sunshine Brussé, we speak with Laura Mae Lindo, the Kitchener Centre representative in provincial parliament and Lea Caragata, a professor of social policy at Wilfrid Laurier University.

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.

CKMS News – 2020-04-27 – Tent City for Immediate COVID-19 Response

Episode Host: Julian Ichim
Listen here: CKMS News – 2020-04-27 – Tent City for Immediate COVID-19 Response

On Today’ s show we feature a report back from the April 15th 2020 community organizing meeting in Kitchener to address the Coronavirus pandemic in respect to the homeless population, and implement immediate measures to mitigate the impacts. The meeting was held at the LOT 42 events and conference campus, and among other things, concluded with the announcement of the establishment of a tent city on the LOT 42 property.

We then speak with Nadine Green, Heather Majaury, and Ron Doyle, about the Lot lot 42 site which will be used to house people, as well as run programs that help poor people. The site includes a tent city in the court yard as well as a building with washrooms sports facilities a movie room and common area.

Nadine Green was a downtown store owner who used her store as a place to house homeless people as well as provide them with employment until the city and other forces forced her to shut down. As a result of this resistance was built and Heather Majaury came on board as an indigenous activist who found common cause with Nadine in terms of the plight of homeless people. This collaboration touched the heart of Landlord Ron Doyle who donated his property, lot 42 for Nadine, Heather and other like minded activists to use to solve the housing crisis.

Ron Doyle did this unprecedented move of donating his land as a result of the fact that the city is not doing enough around the, housing crisis and with the outbreak of Covid 19 homeless people more then ever need a place to go and if the city will not provide this space Ron took it upon himself to provide the space.

For more information on the Tent City, including ways to support it, you can visit the websites: mymothernamedmesunshine.ca/ or civichubwr.org/unsheltered-campaign/

Or on social media on twitter @UnshelteredC and on facebook and instagram at unsheltered.campaign

This program is a part of the “Local Journalism Initiative” grant program and is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada, the Government of Canada, and the CKMS Newsroom.