Tag Archives: Laurel Boytim

CKMS Community Connections for 3 June 2024 with Laurel Boytim of The Ripple Effect Education

Show Notes

A blonde woman wearing a light blue sweater and headphones sits in front of a microphone with a label "CKMS 102.7 FM Radio Waterloo".
Laurel Boytim

Laura Boytim, Executive Director of The Ripple Effect Education talks to Bob Jonkman about the origins of TREE, what services it provides and what programs it offers, the Peace Innovator Scholarship & Mentorship Program, the effects of Covid 19, and the staff, volunteers, and its Board of Directors.

The interview starts at 0m37s.



Download: ckms-community-connections-2024-06-03-episode161-Laurel-Boytim-of-The-Ripple-Effect-Education.mp3 (48 MB, 51m59s, episode 161)


Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m37s The Ripple Effect Education has a wonderful acronym, TREE, which is all about conflict resolution, peace building, and social justice education for all ages: Adults, youth, and children. TREE started in 2016, and sprung out of a Peace Camp organized by Katie Gingerich at Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo. Laurel explains some of the different aspects of the course, and how it varies with different age groups, and how TREE got into the schools systems to teach there. The adult education component is fairly new, and expanding.
7m38s Educators at TREE have varied backgrounds in social justice and conflict resolution. Many facilitators are in university or have just graduated; they teach the kindergarten through grade eight classrooms. There are facilitators with backgrounds in psychology, knowledge integration, peace and conflict studies, social justice, gender studies, and more.
8m53s Corporations that want workplace workshops can e-mail, Laurel will set up a consultation meeting to determine what their needs are, and customize and create a program to suit.
10m05s The Heart Holds On (photo of a woman wearing a striped sweater and holding a scarf around her neck; she has rings on her fingers. Her head is cropped out of the photo)
Taylor Davison
12m58s Talking about the origin of the name The Ripple Effect Education. Talking about the “Training for Trainers” program, for people who want to teach the kindergarten to grade eight education in their own students. This is spreading out to Europe and across the world. Is there a danger of putting yourself out of work? Laurel wants to be able to put herself out of a job, but that’s unlikely to happen soon. There is also the Peace Innovator Scholarship & Mentorship Program partnered with the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement and the University of Waterloo, for students going into grade 11 or 12. Application had closed the previous Friday, but was kept open for an extra week for listeners of Radio Waterloo! It starts off with a two-day retreat, goes throughout the school year, and ends with a final showcase in April. This is extra-curricular, totally separate from the regular high school program. Candidates will go through an interview process, then the retreat takes place in July.
21m48s Bigger Than That Human | Alysha Brilla (illustration of Alysha Brilla, all on a patterned teal background. Alysha's skin is blended with the teal background)
Alysha Brilla
26m05s Talking about Covid. TREE moved some things online, and now can provide online education as a regular service. But Covid has increased the struggles in schools; students are behind socially. There’s a need for more mental- and self-care; Laurel explains the systemic nature of the things people are dealing with. Talking about the Region of Waterloo Combatting Hate Action Table. Doing this locally and globally. Education is only one of the parts to bringing about social justice and human rights.
33m39s Setting up the organization, overcoming administrative hurdles. TREE is a charitable organization concentrating on education. There’s not much political activity, it’s providing conflict resolution and peace building to everyone. Talking about sources of grants and funding. Looking to people who share their values. Talking about the fundraising gala held earlier in the year. People can donate through the website using Canada Helps.
37m45s In My Bones In My Bones, JP Sunga (B&W photo of a man's head in profile, with skull bones and teeth tattooed on his face)
JP Sunga
41m45s More about funding, growing the programs that have been developed. TREE has three staff, and many volunteer facilitators and students. There is a Board of Directors, which has some vacancies. If you’re interested in serving on the Board send an e-mail to hello@therippleeffecteducation.ca, as well as for any other volunteer opportunities.
45m51s Some former students are still in touch, some have become facilitators, and even some younger siblings have come out. And many of the corporate clients have come back for additional workshops.
48m00s What happens to people who aren’t selected for the Mentorship program? There aren’t many people who aren’t accepted, perhaps they’re encouraged to come back later. Is there overlap with other Waterloo Region organizations? Not really, TREE is in a niche, but willing to collaborate with other organizations. The TREE office is located in the Centre for Peace Advancement, and there’s a lot of collaboration with other organizations there.
50m55s Bob thanks Laurel, and gives the end credits.

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs alternate Fridays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at ccc@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

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Bonus Video

Video: CKMS Community Connections for Monday 3 June 2024 (Radio Waterloo Video)

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2024 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders. The theme music is written and performed by Steven Todd.