Tag Archives: The Soviet Influence

CKMS Community Connections for 19 August 2022: Fundraising and KWCon

Show Notes

Screenshot of Radio Waterloo web page "Funding Drive 2022"
Screenshot of the Radio Waterloo website showing the “Funding Drive 2022”
Radio Waterloo is having its On-Air Funding Drive for 2022, so Bob Jonkman makes a pitch for donations and plays new KWCon music by artists from Waterloo Region and the surrounding area.


Download: ckms-community-connections-2022-08-19-episode099.mp3 (54.7 MB, 56m57s, episode 099)


Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
1m08s Extended Heatwarning Ponysapien (clouds over water, coloured with a spectrum of colours)
4m08s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
8m46s On My Own JI (white lowercase outline letters on a black background with an octave of piano keys below)
Creative Record Initiative 2022
Fredlyne Kayee & Demaya Green
10m57s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
13m45s The Guns of Brixton The Clash  London Calling (B&W photo of a man smashing a guitar, vertical pink letters for "London" on the left, horizontal green letters for "Calling" on the bottom)
London Calling
The Clash
16m44s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
17m01s The Guns of Brixton Abolition Now! (black upper case letters drawn on an orange background surrounded by explosion lines)
Abolition Now!
The Soviet Influence
20m20s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the wrong music.
23m43s Happy Song Good To See You | Henry Taylor (B&W photo of Henry Taylor wearing a winter coat and hat in a forest)
Good To See You
Henry Taylor
26m06s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the wrong music again.
28m55s Leave It Alone Good To See You | Henry Taylor (B&W photo of Henry Taylor wearing a winter coat and hat in a forest)
Good To See You
Henry Taylor
29m14s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the correct music.
29m22s Washout Dreamer The Lamaas | Landsdowne Mixtapes (collage of photos of lizards, Toronto landmarks, and the musicians on a bridge)
Landsdowne Mixtapes
The Lamaas
31m53s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the correct music again.
32m23 Watching You Watching You | by Anya Mia (four eyes in four squares, alternating white and blue filters)
Anya Mia
36m40s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
40m36s Blind Eye 4 Walls 4 Chords / Blind Eye / Skyline / 5 Star Family | Basement City View | Lyssa & the Try-Tones (sepia photo of Lyssa playing  an electro-acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone)
Basement City View
Lyssa & the Try-Tones
43m52s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
45m50s When Your Lover Has Gone Joe Coughlin | Dedicated to You |  featuring | Bernie Senensky | Neil Swainson | Terry Clarke | Ryan Oliver (photo of hands and forearms on the left, text on black background on the right)
Dedicated to You
Joe Coughlin
48m29 Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and introduces the music.
51m06s Moonray (Who Needs the Sun Anymore) Impossible World | Wilfred N & the Grown Men (B&W photo of a dog with long fur laying on the ground)
Impossible World
Wilfred N & the Grown Men
55m10s Bob makes another pitch for fundraising, and gives the end credits.

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Bonus Footage

YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 19 August 2022

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2022 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

CKMS Community Connections for 10 June 2022: Encampment Evictions with Dr. Erin Dej, Dr. Laura Pin, and Lesley Crompton

Dr. Erin Dej, wearing a T-Shirt with the words "but first, housing"
Dr. Erin Dej
Dr. Laura Pin
Dr. Laura Pin
Lesley Crompton
Lesley Crompton

Show Notes

Bob Jonkman is joined by Dr. Erin Dej, Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology at Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr. Laura Pin, Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department, also at Wilfrid Laurier University, and Lesley Crompton, who works with the Unsheltered Campaign at the Civic Hub in Waterloo Region. They discuss the impending eviction of the people at the Victoria/Weber encampment, direct aid, government responsibilities, housing policy, and the role of academia.

The interview starts at 3m57s.

Online Resources:

Community Fridges

A community fridge facilitates access to high quality food. It is open 24 hour a day, 7 days a week and available to anyone who needs food at any time. Donations of fresh food or non-perishable items are welcomed.

The Kitchener Market Map
300 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario
Cafe Pyrus Outpost Map
120 Roger Street
Waterloo, Ontario

CKMS Newsroom: The KW Community Fridge is solidarity through mutual aid


Download: ckms-community-connections-2022-06-10-episode097.mp3 (50.1 MB, 52m05s, episode 097)


Time Title Album Artist
0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
CKMS Community Connections
Steve Todd
0m55s Abolition Now! Abolition Now! (black upper case letters drawn on an orange background surrounded by explosion lines)
Abolition Now!
The Soviet Influence
3m57s Dr. Erin Dej introduces herself, explains the role of critical criminology in social justice issues, and begins to explain the Point-In-Time count when technical difficulties arise.
6m33s Thieves of Joy The Soviet Influence | Thieves Of Joy (cartoon of a worker fighting an octopus with arms labelled Militia, Police, Black List, Injunctions, Employers Assn, RBA; the octopus head has a $ sign, there's a large knife labelled Socialist Ballot, and the cartoon caption is Say, Mr. Worker, haven't you been in the grip of this monster about long enough? Why not try the knife on him?
Thieves of Joy
The Soviet Influence
9m35s Dr. Erin Dej explains that what is happening in Waterloo Region with homelessness is happening across the country, and across the world. The Point-In-Time count shows a doubling of homelessness since 2018. Part of that is due to Covid, but there are a variety of factors that contribute.

Dr. Laura Pin introduces herself, and explains how Political Science influence policy action around social issues and homelessness.

Lesley Crompton introduces herself, and the Unsheltered Campaign which has been filling gaps in social services for food, water, sanitary facilities, and shelter. Talking to people with lived experience, and gathering stories. Identifying the “hidden homeless”, people who are not registered with the municipality for the shelter system. Extended families are excluded, but may have some of the same issues. The Point-In-Time count had to be done by the municipality in order to get funding from other levels of government, but contracted the service out to the assistive organizations like Unsheltered Campaign. There are issues dealing with the macro issues because so much attention is focused on the micro issues.

17m43s Direct aid provided by eg. Unsheltered Campaign, Going Mobile KW, 519 Community Collective provide food, food ingredients, and food preparation for people who have food insecurity. It is difficult to prepare a variety of meals from supplies from the food banks; it does not provide the recipients with the choice of what to eat. There is no confirmation of need, no means testing; treating people with dignity. Are people satisfied, well-nourished? It’s difficult to say. Is this Canada’s “Social Safety Net”? Aid agencies need a “Billing For Filling” initiative, billing the state for filling the gap. This goes back to social policy, social assistance for people who have disabilities or are unemployed; the rates are not enough for people to afford shelter and food. The single rate for Ontario Works (OW) is $750/month; the Ontario Disability Support Program is about $1150/month. These are not livable, humane rates.
24m30s At the Waterloo Region Council Meeting on Tuesday, 7 June 2022, there was a call for additional funding from higher levels of government. Housing requires intergovernmental relations and multiple levels of government to manage. But at the regional level there are lots of things that can be done, eg. a regional encampment protocol. While there is a need for additional funding, it’s not an excuse for making use of the powers the regional government has for taking action. Beyond food, there are other issues that require support. Shelter support for families in motels are the same facilities used for people displaced from encampments, but this does not work for many people. Waterloo Region contracts out these services to aid agencies. Lesley Crompton says we need an Auditor General to ensure that there is more public accountability and transparency between the Region and its service providers to ensure they’re doing what we think they’re supposed to be doing — Lesley doesn’t think they are.
29m21s There are upwards of 50 people living at the Victoria and Weber encampment. Regional Council seemed sympathetic, but not motivated to help. Premier Doug Ford has said that for people in this situation just need to get a job. But Dr. Dej says that lots of people in this situation have a job! They’re working, but it’s not enough to pay the rent. For those without work, it is difficult to get a job. How do people without a job get a bus pass to find work? How do they get equipment like steel-toed boots needed to get a job? How can people try to get a job when they’re in an encampment, likely sleep deprived from being in the same area with 50 other people, concerned for their safety, and unable to get good rest from sleeping on the ground. And even when people on social assistance do get work, their earnings are clawed back at %50, an effective tax rate much higher than anyone else has to pay. The provincial government is cutting its sources of revenue (license plate renewal), federal government isn’t pursuing foreign holdings tax which could be used to invest in affordable housing and social housing. Dr. Pin says that at the local government level, a vacant home tax or foreign ownership tax could raise revenues for social programs. People are working part-time, employers cutting hours to minimize benefits. But even people working full-time at minimum wage earn only about $2000/month before deductions, yet rents are around $1600/month. If we took an approach of housing as a human right it shouldn’t matter whether people work full-time, part-time, if they need child care, or if people have a disability and can’t work — people still have a right to decent and affordable housing. The Region of Waterloo’s housing policy has put forward a human rights approach to housing; the federal government in its national housing strategy has also put forth a human rights approach to housing. But how can we make this a lived experience for people experiencing homelessness? Yet the Region of Waterloo Council has not advanced this into a formal motion.
35m30s International Human Rights declaration indicate that people are not to be evicted from their housing, or even encampments. What legal ramifications are there for municipalities that break the International Human Rights declaration? Dr. Dej says that federally this has already been adopted. Yet municipalities don’t follow it. Instead, municipalities are adopting a criminalizatin of homelessness, and even a militarization of the efforts to evict people from encampments. We do have a national protocol for homeless encampments in Canada to follow for removing people from encampments developed by the former UN Rapporteur on Housing, Lailani Farha and Dr. Kaitlin Schwan that tells municipalities how to do it within our international human rights obligations. Recognize that people don’t want to live in encampments, they want to be housed. The challenge is that following this protocol takes time, but people want quick fixes. Yet removing encampments is not that quick fix people are looking for, it’s not going to end homelessness.
38m06s Lesley Crompton points out that people need more than just housing: They need wrap-around services such as cooking instruction, a social structure, mental health issues that need to be addressed. Some shelters have zero-tolerance for violence. But what is violence? Someone speaking exteremely loudly may be considered violent, and get evicted. At motels used for housing, the staff are not able to deal with mental health issues. People need on-going supports, but some municipal housing staff think that merely providing housing is enough. What can academics do to influence the outcome of the pending eviction? Dr. Pin recognizes her privilege; people from the region connect with her in ways that they don’t connect with people on the ground. The 30 June deadline for evicting people from the Victoria and Weber encampment is artificial, the site is not needed for construction until the fall. Dr. Pin suggests we push back against that deadline to give people more time to discuss with decision makers as to what they need. Dr. Dej suggests that we push as hard as we can to make sure that the voices of the people in the encampments are the ones that are heard. She has received criticism about the Point-In-Time counts and other academic pursuits, that money spent on academic studies would be better spent on housing directly. But there is a lot of power in that data, it can convince people in ways that people might be convinced otherwise. For example, Dr. Dej has researched, rigorous data that supports Lesley’s statements on the need for ongoing services. Use this as clout to amplify the voices of people on the ground.
43m33s How does this get to the politicians who make the decisions? Dr. Pin has been inviting councillors and staff into the Unsheltered Campaign meetings to hear what community organizations have to say on the issue. Dr. Pin’s graduate seminar prepared a report on comparative encampment protocols from a human rights perspective to provide the Region with data on how difference cities have put forward protocols to manage encampments, and providing some analysis to determine which protocols are more consistent with a human rights approach. Building relationships and capacity at the Regional level to do that kind of analysis. What can ordinary citizens do? Lesley Crompton says to take time to understand, to talk to people at the encampments, to talk to people who have been working for the people at encampments. The Region’s capacity of outreach staff is very limited, and does not give enough time to spend with the individuals at the encampments. Get involved, so you can then speak to the Region. This is an election year, and while there are no Regional or City councillors on the same page as Premier Ford, it is time for a change. CARE (Coalition Against Removing Encampments) is a grassroots organization that looks at other social justice issues, a coalition of other organizations. Dr. Pin mentions the Social Development Centre and the Civic Hub WR for people who are interested in connecting in a immediate way. Challenge the stigma that’s presented to the people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, recognize that the people in encampments are our neighbours and community members.
49m23s Bob thanks the guests, gives the credits for CKMS Community Connections, and introduces Dreamer by Rose Brokenshire.
50m35s Dreamer (photo of Rose Brokenshire among fluffy clouds)
Rose Brokenshire

CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

Bonus Footage

YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 10 June 2022

Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2022 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

CKMS Community Connections for 29 April 2022: The May Day Show featuring Thieves Of Joy by The Soviet Influence

Show Notes

The Soviet Influence | Thieves Of Joy (cartoon of a worker fighting an octopus with arms labelled Militia, Police, Black List, Injunctions, Employers Assn, RBA; the octopus head has a $ sign, there's a large knife labelled Socialist Ballot, and the cartoon caption is Say, Mr. Worker, haven't you been in the grip of this monster about long enough? Why not try the knife on him? Today we’re featuring the new album Thieves Of Joy by The Soviet Influence, to be released on the first of May, otherwise know as May Day or Labour Day in other parts of the world.

You can get advance copies of Thieves Of Joy on Bandcamp.


  • Website: The Soviet Influence
  • Twitter: @InfluenceSoviet
  • Facebook: The Soviet Influence | Facebook
  • Instagram: @thesovietinfluence
  • BandCamp: Music | The Soviet Influence
  • Spotify: The Soviet Influence – Spotify

  • May 1 | Kitchener-Waterloo Rally | 3:00pm Waterloo Region Courthouse (purple poster with fists of power, leaves, and flowers including a white trillium)

    Upcoming Events

    • May Day Rally

      There’s a May Day rally organized by The Ontario Federation of Labour:

      What: Kitchener-Waterloo Rally
      When: 3:00pm – 6:00pm on Sunday, 1 May 2022 iCal
      Where: Waterloo Region Courthouse
      Location: 85 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario Map
      Website: https://ofl.ca/event/may-1-kitchener-waterloo/

      It’s time for a $20 minimum wage, decent work, affordable housing, paid sick days, well-funded public services, livable income support for all, climate justice, and an end to racism and oppression. Join us!

    Other Resources

    (and orange cat wearing a red collar with tags and a bell looking at the camera)
    Jorts The Cat
    Jorts The Cat

    Jorts The Cat gets a mention at 17m00s in the podcast.

    Council of Canadians
  • Facebook: Kitchener Waterloo Chapter
  • E-mail: kw.cofc@gmail.com (KW Chapter)
  • Podcast

    Download: ckms-community-connections-2022-04-29-episode095.mp3 (54.3 MB, 56m27s, episode 095)


    All tracks today are by The Soviet Influence.

    Time Title Album
    0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections by Steve Todd CKMS Sunflower logo (yellow petals surrounding a black centre with white wavies all on a teal background)
    CKMS Community Connections
    1m21s Plant The Bombs Abolition Now! (black upper case letters drawn on an orange background surrounded by explosion lines)
    Abolition Now!
    7m15s Pick You Up The Soviet Influence | Thieves Of Joy (cartoon of a worker fighting an octopus with arms labelled Militia, Police, Black List, Injunctions, Employers Assn, RBA; the octopus head has a $ sign, there's a large knife labelled Socialist Ballot, and the cartoon caption is Say, Mr. Worker, haven't you been in the grip of this monster about long enough? Why not try the knife on him?
    Thieves Of Joy
    9m49s Exile
    13m25s The Hypocrite (Justin Trudeau Blackface)
    19m34s Thieves Of Joy
    22m44s If Punk Is Dead Long Live Punk
    24m38s The Catastrophe
    29m20s Boll Weevils
    32m05s Lies
    38m08s Workers Unite Socialism | An Introduction | The Soviet Influence
    Socialism: An Introduction
    40m24s These Chains
    44m04s The Guns of Brixton Abolition Now! (black upper case letters drawn on an orange background surrounded by explosion lines)
    Abolition Now!
    47m23s The Summer of 85 (I am Not Free)
    52m50s The Riot Socialism | An Introduction | The Soviet Influence
    Socialism: An Introduction
    55m26s End Credits CKMS 102.7 FM Radio Waterloo | Community Connectiion (black and magenta letters on a square teal background)

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2022 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    International Worker's Day | May 1 | Kitchener-Waterloo Rally | 3:00pm Waterloo Region Courthouse | 85 Frederick St. Kitchener ON | Carnival of Resistance | Live Music, Face Painting, Henna Tattoo & Kids Crafts | BYO Chairs and Picnics (purple poster wiht flowers including a white trillium, with pictures of performers along the sides: Derek Miller, Logan Straats, Aysanabee, Layla Straats, Rob Lamothe, Tom Wilson, Jace Martin, James Wilson, Unity Band, Brock Stonefish)

    CKMS Community Connections for 9 August 2021: The Toronto Prisoners Rights Project Compilation Launch

    Show Notes

    Peter Snow at the microphone
    Peter Snow

    You may remember our show from 10 May 2021 with Peter Snow from The Soviet Influence, a politically active, indie rock band from southern Ontario. Peter spoke of a live, online event in August for prisoner justice.

    The Soviet Influence have partnered up with the Toronto Prisoners Rights Project (B&W illustration of birds escaping from a gap in barbed wire)Toronto Prisoner Rights Project and produced a compilation record and streamed show this past weekend to raise funds and awareness of this cause. CKMS Community Connections is re-broadcasting that show, recorded by our sister campus radio station from Guelph University, CFRU-FM. It features performances from The Soviet Influence, Friday Empire, Skye Wallace, and Joni Void, along with interviews and information about the project.

    The Toronto Prisoner’s Rights Project (TPRP) is a volunteer organization of former prisoners, people with loved ones inside, front-line workers, artists, researchers, educators and students. They engage in direct action, public education, and mutual aid to shed light on the harms caused by incarceration and connect prisoners with social, financial, legal and health supports. They’re committed to abolition and building sustainable communities rooted in community care, transformative justice, and accountability.

    Tomorrow, Tuesday 10 August 2021 is Prisoners' Justice Day 2021 | August 10, 5-8pm Church of the Holy Triniity, 19 Trinity Square | #PJD #NoMoreDeathsInCustodyPrisoner Justice Day. Please join the memorial at the Church of the Holy Trinity, in Trinity Square tucked between the Eatons Centre and the Marriott Downtown. Between 5pm and 8pm there will be a vigil in solidarity with those who have died while incarcerated as well as to show support for prisoners’ rights. Former prisoners and their loved ones will share their stories and truths. There will be activities, music, performances, food, swag and more! Folks are encouraged to show up to demonstrate solidarity with prisoners and those impacted by incarceration. No one is free until we are all free.

    You can support the Toronto Prisoner Rights Project at https://www.torontoprisonersrightsproject.org/get-involved-and-support All proceeds go to mutual aid projects including the Prisoner Emergency Support Fund, Jail Hotline, and Good Food Boxes, and support our direct action advocacy work (through digital organizing tools and protest supplies). Supporters can contribute a monthly donation on Patreon that includes exclusive TPRP merchandise as a thank-you.


    Or you can make a one-time donation to the Prisoner Emergency Support Fund, started by the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project and the Toronto Prisoners’’ Rights Project. It’s a team of volunteers that are organizing to support prisoners, who believe that people need access to community support and not human cages. The fund was originally launched as a response to the pandemic. Given the clear gaps in care that have been revealed by the volume of applications, they are continuing to raise funds so long as there are needs to be met. This fund is intended for people inside prisons and jails and recently released prisoners. People behind bars often need support to contact their loved ones or purchase essential items on their canteen. Recently released prisoners need access to funds for housing, food, clothing, and physical and mental health supports. Families who still have loved ones behind bars need funds for expensive phone bills and canteens.


    Toronto Prisoners' Rights Project Compilation | Musicians For Mutual Aid | Ft. The Burning Hell //Sean Bertram//Sky Wallace//Davita Guslits//Friday Empire//The Soviet Influence//Joni Void + Jerry Quickley//The Young AbolitionistsAnd you can download the Toronto Prisonsers Rights Project Compilation EP by Musicians For Mutual Aid. The record features new music from The Soviet Influence along with tracks from Skye Wallace, The Burning Hell, Sean Bertram, Friday Empire, Davita Guslits, Joni Void + Jerry Quickley, and Kayla Hagerty.


    The broadcast starts at 4m43s.


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2021-08-09-episode084.mp3 (90.3 MB, 1h02m38s, episode 084)

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Bonus Footage

    YouTube: Musicians For Mutual Aid In Support of the Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 10 May 2021 with Peter Snow of The Soviet Influence

    Show Notes

    with Peter Snow of The Soviet Influence (screenshot of web conference with Peter Snow, Jeff Stager, and Bob Jonkman)
    Clockwise from bottom left: Peter Snow of the Soviet Influence, Jeff Stager of The Agriculture Show, and Bob Jonkman
    Our guest today on CKMS #CommunityConnections is Peter Snow from The Soviet Influence. We talk about music, making a video in pandemic times, and even about politics.

    The Soviet Influence had a Live, On-Air, In-Studio Performance on CKMS Community Connections for 24 February 2020.

    The interview starts at 4m40s.


    Other resources:

    And it’s the time of our Radio Waterloo Spring 2021 Fundraising Drive, donate at https://radiowaterloo.ca/give !

    Upcoming Events

    • Live, Online Video Event for Prisoner Justice

      Who: In support of the Toronto Prisoner’s Rights Project
      When: Sometime in August 2021
      Where: Online (stay tuned to CKMS-FM for more info; this page will be updated)


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2021-05-10-episode082.mp3 (57.1 MB, 59m22s, episode 082)

    Podcast Index

    Abolition Now! (black upper case letters drawn on an orange background surrounded by explosion lines) All music today is by The Soviet Influence.

    Time Title
    0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections (by Steve Todd)
    0m48s Plant The Bombs
    4m40s There’s been a pandemic! But The Soviet Influence has still released two albums in 2021; the progression to becoming a more outspoken band; people like music with a message, The Soviet Influence is not a band to write romantic love songs; appearing on the 1492 Land Back Lane Mixtape; learning about Indigenous issues; introducing These Chains on that album; ; introducing Two Weeks.
    13m18s These Chains
    15m50s Oh Not Tonight
    18m47s Explaining the meaning of Oh Not Tonight; mixing albums when you can’t go into the studio; introducing the band: Peter Snow, lead vocals and guitar, Peter Morey on bass, Blake Morey drummer, Ty Mackenzie on guitar; a plug for Dave Partridge of HELM Recording; making a video in the home studio, making a home studio from a shed; writing a song ‘cos you need an encore; introducing Two Weeks, a song about Indigenous issues; explaining the album title This Band Is So God.
    31m06 Two Weeks
    34m36s Abolition Now | Please donate to the following organizations: BLM Canada, Toronto Prisoner's Rights Project, PASAN, Prison Justice.caDoing some live online shows, paid video gigs; August compilation album for the Toronto Prisoner Rights Project; covering the social justice projects that need support, album proceeds go to these organizations. Bob and Jeff make a pitch for the Radio Waterloo Spring 2021 Fundraising Drive; explaining the Community at the Radio Station, is there a similar community amongst musicians? Peter says Yes, there is, but no formal organization of “social justice bands”. Yet.
    47m46s Oh Not Tonight
    51m36s Oh Not Tonight has played on commercial radio, that was unexpected! If you have music, submit it at office@radiowaterloo.ca, please excuse our delays in replying. Peter talks about upcoming songs, recordings, and live online events; talking about prison abolition; introducing The Guns of Brixton, originally by The Clash.
    56m24s The Guns of Brixton, and Bob gives the end credits.

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Bonus Footage

    Video: CKMS Community Connections for 10 May 2021 (WebM, 215.3 MB, 1h01m29s)

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 3 May 2021

    Show Notes

    Since the studio remains closed we’re playing more new Canadian Content and KW Content music today, and a few tracks released last year too. The definition of “KW Content” broadens yet again — while the group Your New False Gods hails from Scotland, lead singer Kevin Combe has family in Kitchener, and that makes them our neighbours from a different country. Right?

    Music Index

    Start Title Album Creator
    0m0s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc CKMS Community Connections Steve Todd
    0m48s Abolition Now Abolition Now | Please donate to the following organizations: BLM Canada, Toronto Prisoner's Rights Project, PASAN, Prison Justice.ca
    Abolition Now!
    The Soviet Influence
    4m22s Better One
    5m36s An American Dream Your New False Gods - Everything's...fine... (blue sky over a tram car and a building)

    Your New False Gods
    10m39s Broken Bones
    13m20s Hello Sunshine
    17m17s Shine On
    21m58s Bad Courtney Wolfe (illustration of three fingers applying dark red lipstick to two lips on a black background)
    Like A Lady
    Courtney Wolfe
    24m31s Oh No (Prod. Sydney Johnson)
    28m10s Like A Lady
    31m44s Cool Water (portrait of Suzanne Carlson)
    Suzanne Carlson
    Suzanne Carlson
    35m14s Paper Doll
    38m27s Haven’t Been There Yet
    41m51s Make it Last (Crash and Adams sitting on the red sofa) Crash Adams
    45m13s Ooh!
    47m12s Hopeless Romances (angular black V on white) Vanden Dool
    51m48s It Came To Me In A Dream
    55m40s Driving 2 (image of a path through a forest) 33 Music

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 25 January 2021 – New Albums by The Soviet Influence and Dichroma

    Show Notes

    The studio remains closed due to the Covid lockdown, and so Chelsey Danfield wasn’t able to come in. She’s been invited back for a Live, On-Air, In-studio performance as soon as everything is back to normal, but the best we can do today is play some tracks from her last album, At The Time.

    We’ve also got two new album releases today:

    Peter Snow at the microphone
    Peter Snow, The Soviet Influence (24 Feb 2020)
    Peter Morey at the microphone
    Peter Morey, The Soviet Influence (24 Feb 2020)

    • The Soviet Influence who were in the studio in February 2020, will be releasing Socialism: An Introduction this Friday, 29 January 2021.
    • Dichroma will be releasing their second EP, Two next month, February 2021. We interviewed Aaron Dawe on 26 October 2020, when we talked about this upcoming release.

    The Soviet Influence:

    Dichroma (wordmark and text from their website)

    (over-the-shoulder portrait of Chelsey Danfield)
    Chelsey Danfield

    Chelsey Danfield:


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2021-01-25-episode075.mp3 (56.9 MB, 59m10s, episode 075)

    Podcast Index

    Time Title Artist Album
    0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc Steve Todd CKMS Community Connections
    0m24s The Riot The Soviet Influence Socialism | An Introduction | The Soviet InfluenceSocialism — An Introduction
    2m43s Running Song
    6m23s Take My Fire
    9m35s Workers Unite
    12m40s These Chains
    15m10s Oh Not Tonight
    18m05s Tomorrow Is The Day (Guitar Man)
    21m56s Into Space and Beyond
    24m49s Coast to Coast
    30m40s Real Time Dichroma Dichroma (orange letters on black background)Two
    36m12s Twist The Knife
    38m30s Frame Dragger
    45m14s Far Enough From You Chelsey Danfield Chelsey Danfield (portrait of Chelsey Danfield in front of a glittery curtain)At The Time
    48m39s Bell Bottom Jeans
    51m35s My Possession
    56m56s The Wellerman Nathan Evans et al. (Triptych of three musicians, Nathan Evan in the centre)(from YouTube)

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Saturday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community ConnectionsSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2021 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and derivative works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 6 July 2020

    Because of Covid we’re still not having any guests in the studio, and this week’s there are no phone interviews either, so it’s another show packed full of new Canadian Content music.

    There are new tracks from Kingston’s Willy Nilly, JC Townsend, station favourites The Soviet Influence, local Cambridge group Shy Harry, and from Storry, whom we hope to have on the phone for an interview in the next few weeks.

    But if you’ll indulge me for a few minutes, we’ll end the show with a bit of comparative musicology. I’d heard about the Vocaloid musical voice synthesizer before, but finally found something worthy of radio airtime when I read Vocaloids: Our Friends Electric by Mariana Timony writing for Bandcamp Daily. In the last 10 minutes of the show you’ll hear Offend In Every Way played by Beam Morrison using a Vocaloid synthesizer, followed by the original by The White Stripes, and finishing off with a bit of, um, old-fashioned synth music. Not new, and not CanCon, but this week that’s what caught my ear.


    Time Title Artist Album
    0m00s Theme for CKMS Community Connections ccc Steve Todd CKMS Community Connections
    0m40s Never Let Me Fall Away Shy Harry Yestermind | Shy Harry (illustration of an island, reflected in the water by written words)Yestermind – Side A
    4m32s Yeats
    7m44s Misbehave Willy Nilly
    10m25s Inglaterra Dead Horse Beats (Patrick Wade) Dead Horse Beats | Inglaterra (illustrations of trees, birds, people)Inglaterra
    14m18s Winnipeg
    16m09s For No One Storry (no text, just a blue-tinted portrait of Storry, with bright glowing lips)
    18m19s Watch Out The Soviet Influence This Band Is So God | The Soviet Influence (embossed letters on a leather surface, illusration of a house)This Band is So God
    21m09s The Riot The Soviet Influence | The Riot (just white letters on black)
    23m34s Save Me From Myself JC Townsend JC Townsend | GhOStS (looking down at two feet in shoes at the edge of water)GhOStS
    26m13s Disconnected
    30m31s Rising Sun Shred Kelly Shred Kelly | Like A Rising Sun (wireframe graphic of a rising sun)Like A Rising Sun
    33m52s Roman Candle Eyes
    38m30s Oil the Guns Q052 Q052 | Oil The Guns (illustrations of military materiel and children running)Oil the Guns
    42m38s Down With The System Sum-01 Sum-01 | The Comeback Queen (portrait of Sum-01)The Comeback Queen (Promo)
    45m28s Nickle One Nine (Clean)
    49m02s Offend In Every Way Beam Morrison Vocallective Records | VCL073: Ball & Biscuit (stylized illustration of an owl)Ball & Biscuit
    52m07s Offend In Every Way The White Stripes (no text, Jake White and Meg White surrounded by people dressed in black)White Blood Cells
    55m56s Love Me Two Times (8bit) Beam Morrison Vocallective Records | VCL073: Ball & Biscuit (stylized illustration of an owl)Ball & Biscuit

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community Connections | Mondays 10 am - 12 NoonSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2020 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and deriviatives works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 24 February 2020 with The Soviet Influence

    Show Notes

    Peter Snow at the microphone
    Peter Snow
    Peter Morey at the microphone
    Peter Morey
    Peter Snow and Peter Morey of The Soviet Influence talk to Bob Jonkman about their band, their music, their family, and their gigs.

    The interview starts at 4m51s.


    Upcoming Events

    The app for matching bands with venues is Side Door by musicians Laura Simpson and Dan Mangan.


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2020-02-24.mp3 (82.4 MiBytes, 59m58s, episode 41)

    Podcast Index

    Coming soon! Exclusive tracks recorded in the CKMS-FM 102.7 Radio Waterloo Studio

    The Price of Vigilence | The Soviet Influence (album cover)The Soviet Influence | Boundaries (album cover with an illustration of a large snowball, two stick figures, and the moon (?)

    • 00m35s: The Soviet InfluenceRust, a Live, On-Air, In-Studio Performance!
    • 04m51s: Peter Snow and Peter Morey talk about their origins, the band, older albums, recent gigs, performing at Emmanuel United Church, connecting with bands, electric guitar vs. acoustic guitar.
    • 13m20s: The Soviet InfluenceSecret Spaces, In-Studio
    • 16m10s: The Soviet InfluenceSecret Spaces from The Price Of Vigilence album
    • 19m23s: The history of Secret Spaces, social justice, mixing albums, the sound of The Soviet Influence, how composing happens, creating music on-the-fly.
    • 24m26s: The Soviet InfluenceThe Long Dark Hallway, In-Studio
    • 27m30s: Naming the song, improv influences, creativity, music theory, collaborating with the band, explaining This Is The News.
    • 35m19s: The Soviet InfluenceThis Is The News, In-Studio
    • 38m04s: Origins of the name The Soviet Influence, naming The Price Of Vigilence and creating the album cover, merchandising (T-shirts!), music and Peter’s kids, the story of Sutures.
    • 48m45s: The Soviet InfluenceSutures, In-Studio.
    • 53m07s: The different vibe of Sutures, finding a genre for The Soviet Influence, how listening to music influences writing, recapping the gig at Emmanuel United Church, summer gig at the Acton Leathertown Festival.
    • 58m12s: The Soviet InfluenceTwo Weeks, In-Studio

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community Connections | Mondays 10 am - 12 NoonSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Bonus Footage

    YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 24 February 2020

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2020 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and deriviatives works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 20 January 2020 with Tamara Lorincz

    Show Notes

    Tamara Lorincz in the studio at the microphone
    Tamara Lorincz

    Tamara Lorincz talks about peace, nonviolence, the arms trade, militarization, Canada’s interference in international affairs, the military’s excessive additions to Canada’s carbon footprint, and lists the many events, rallies, and protests coming up in Waterloo Region.

    The interview starts at 5m19s.


    Organizations and Resources

    Call your Member of Parliament

    Upcoming Events:


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2020-01-20.mp3 (54.2 MiBytes, 59m12s, episode 36)

    Podcast Index

    • 00m24s: The Soviet Influence | Boundaries (album cover with an illustration of a large snowball, two stick figures, and the moon (?)The Soviet InfluenceAstronomical Wonders from the Boundaries album
    • 5m19s: Tamara Lorincz talks about Martin Luther King Jr. and the film showing MLK: A Call To Conscience, Canada’s military interference in other countries and domestically, extractive imperialism, the need for peaceful foreign policy, the climate crisis and military GHG emissions, the Peace With Iran rally
    • 31m41s: No Headlights | Jake Feeney (album cover; black border with a silhouette of someone sitting in front of a tree)Jake FeeneyNo Headlights
    • 34m45s: Talking about Tamara’s PhD program and background, victories in the peace movement.
    • 50m31s: We'll Get There First | Wilfred N and the Grown Men (album cover, indigenous art showing foxes)Wilfred N and the Grown MenAwake Asleep from the album We’ll Get There First
    • 53m40s: Summary of events: Protests at CANSEC, Peace Conference in Ottawa, Peace With Iran rally in Waterloo Public Square, film screening MLK: A Call To Conscience

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community Connections | Mondays 10 am - 12 NoonSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Bonus Footage


    YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 20 January 2020

    Additional Bonus Footage!


    YouTube: Perspectives On Peace: Where’s the Peace And Justice?

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2020 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Copy, re-use, and deriviatives works are allowed with attribution to Radio Waterloo and a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.

    CKMS Community Connections for 13 January 2020 with Caterina Lindman

    Show Notes

    Caterina Lindman at the microphone
    Caterina Lindman

    Bob Jonkman chats with Caterina Lindman from Rise4ClimateWR. We discuss local climate action, Indigenous climate action on unceded Wet’suwet’en lands in British Columbia, and upcoming climate events in Waterloo Region.

    The interview starts at 4m40s.

    Alan and Cari have transcribed the interview! You can read it on the Climate Strike Waterloo Region blog.


    Upcoming Events:

    • What: Film and Potluck about the Wet’suwet’en struggle in British Columbia
      When: Tonight, Monday 13 January 2020 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
      Where: Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, St. Paul’s Unversity College
      Location: 190 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario
      Facebook: Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Event: Filmscreening and Potluck
    • What: ALERT Climate Strike in support of Wet’suwet’en
      When: Friday, 17 January 2020 from 12 Noon to 1:00pm
      Where: In front of THEMUSEUM
      Location: 10 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario
      Facebook: ALARM Climate Strike in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en
    • What: ALARM exhibit
      When: From 18 Jan 2020 to ???
      Where: THEMUSUEM
      Location: 10 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario
      Website: Upcoming exhibitions – ALARM
    • What: Angela Carter lecture — “Hope amidst the Climate Crisis : Our role in Waterloo Region”
      When: Thursday, 23 January 2019 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm
      Where: THEMUSEUM
      Location: 10 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario
      Website: 55 & Better: Hope Amidst Climate Crisis: Our Role in Waterloo Region
      Note: Free admission for seniors 55+


    Download: ckms-community-connections-2020-01-13.mp3 (77.1 MiBytes, 56m01s, episode 35)

    Podcast Index

    • 00m24s: The Respectables | The Power of Rock'n'Roll (album cover)The RespectablesThe Power of Rock & Roll
    • 4m39s: Caterina and Bob talk about the climate crisis and what people can do to minimize their carbon footprints.
    • 21m54s: Brandon Solomon (photo)Brandon SolomonReservation Line
    • 25m16s: Talking about the Wet’suwet’en blockade, film and potluck at St. Paul’s University College, Fridays4Future climate strike at THEMUSEUM, the ALARM exhibit, Angela Carter’s lecture. Caterina’s involvement many organizations, finding plant-based foods.
    • 35m07s: The Price of Vigilence | The Soviet Influence (album cover)The Soviet InfluenceSecret Space from the album The Price of Vigilence
    • 38m22s: Still other climate organizations; the solar furnace; carbon taxes, fees and dividends; changing corporate business models; recap of upcoming events.
    • 51m47s: Joseph Martone | Honeybirds (album cover)Joseph MartoneThe Deal from the album Honeybirds
    • 54m53s: End credits.

    CKMS Community Connections Hour One airs on CKMS-FM 102.7 on Monday from 11:00am to Noon, and Hour Two airs on Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

    Got music, spoken word, or other interesting stuff? Let us know at office@radiowaterloo.ca or leave a comment on our “About” page.

    CKMS logo with wavies coming out the sidesSubscribe to the CKMS Community Connections podcast!

    CKMS | 102.7 FM | Radio Waterloo | Community Connections | Mondays 10 am - 12 NoonSee all CKMS Community Connections shows!

    Bonus Footage

    YouTube: CKMS Community Connections for 13 January 2020

    Show notes and podcast interview content is Copyright © 2020 by the participants, and released under a CC BYCreative Commons Attribution Only license. Attribution to Radio Waterloo with a link to this page. Music selections are copyright by the respective rights holders.