Feature Band of the Week: 54-40

update: 54-40 on the Mano A Mano show July 31!!!!
This legendary Canadian band has been performing and making music for over 3 decades!
“Lost in the city” is their 13th studio album release that is available NOW!
Tune in July 31 8-10pm

54-40 is one of Canada’s greatest bands! They released a new album towards the end of 2011 and are going to be touring in Ontario towards the end of JULY (2012) Check out dates near you! www.5440.com
Their new album is sweet too listen for a few of those tracks.
brought to you by Mano A Mano

Resisting Reversal – Stopping the Tar Sands in Ontario

As enbridge corp. applies to the National Energy Board for approval of the reversal of flow for a section their outdated and currently unused “line 9” pipeline in soutwestern ontario, resistance has been growing.  Grand River Radical Radio spoke with Stop the Tar Sands KW rep Paisley Cozzarin about recent and upcoming actions against this proposal, as well as some of the details of the proposal itself.

In May 2012, Haudenosaunee land defenders and environmental justice and indigenous solidarity activists disrupted the hearings into the proposed flow reversal, which could see tar sands crude creeping to the east coast for shipment to europe and africa.  Phase 1 of this reversal would see the Sarnia to North Westover, a site near the Grand river, on Six Nations land (the Haldimand Tract).

If the project is approved, the pipeline, built in 1976, could transport the highly viscous crude derived from the industrial process in the northern albertan tar sands, across more than 12 watersheds, and is similar to the pipeine (line 6b) which burst in 2010 in the Kalamazoo river in Michigan,  poisoning the local and downstream ecosystems, and severly impanting residents and animals, in the most expensive pipeline failure in the american mideast history. 

The extreme high pressure needed to push tar sands crude thorugh the aging pipelines will inevitably lead to more failures in the future, similar to that of Kalamazoo.  In addition, the terminus of phase 1 is in a spot that will necessarily require transport by the rest of the line 9 infastructure to external markets.  The division of this project into seperate phases, is a clear attempt to avoid the massive cumulative environmental implication of such a proposal, and the fast tracking of this process was designed to disempower affected Indigenous nations, and shut out the public.

On July 25th 2012, there will be solidarty actions taking place across Turtle Island to remember the Kalamazoo pipeline disaster, and to unite to fight against enbridge corp. and those who would force dangerous energy infastructure projects on communities while disrespecting the treaty and other rights of Indigenous peoples.

The decision from the NEB hearings is expected in late August, but in the mean time, for more info check out http://peopleshearing2012.wordpress.com for more info about resistance to the pipeline reversal propsal and read the report posted on the Natural Resources Defence Council wiebsite (http://nrdc.org) titled Going in Reverse: The Tar Sands Oil Threat to Central Canada and New England


Grand River Radical Radio is a project of the Grand River Media Collective (@GRiverMC) and airs daily from 8-10am on 100.3fm, in waterloo region, and streams on http://soundfm.ca

Waterloo Region Record Arts Writer Robert Reid on Stratford and Blyth Festivals 2012

The Stratford Festival's 60the Season Playbill
The Stratford Festival’s 60the Season Playbill

Special Guest Waterloo Region Record Arts Writer Robert Reid, fresh from reviewing opening week productions at Stratford Shakespeare Festival’s 60th Anniversary Season! joins me to wax theatre from Stratford to the Blyth Festival.
In Part 1 we discuss Bard’s productions Much Ado About Nothing, Cymbeline, and three count them THREE opening week musicals 42nd Street, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, and Pirates of Penzance, plus The Matchmaker, and new Canadian production, The War of 1812. We also discuss late season openings Shakespeare’s Henry V, Christopher Plummer’s new one man show A Word or Two, in addition to other Canadian theatre debuts MacHomer, Wanderlust, Hirsch, and The Best Brothers. Rob also brings in Grand River Blues Society CD Got Mojo 2, plus music from Fred Eaglesmith and MacHomer’s Rick Miller. We also speak about The Blyth Festival’s Season as well.

For those wanting to see Stratford shows here is Rob’s invaluable insight from his venerable Aisle Seat.

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